Exploring the Sociology of Computer Interfaces
From MAI NGUYEN-HUU's point of view, there should be a conscious difference between computer interfaces for men and women. THE COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY believes men and women perceive the world differently, so their website designs and other computer interfaces should reflect that difference. "There are reasons women are more drawn to certain patterns," explains Nguyen-Huu. "Most computer games are oriented toward men, particularly in their use of violence."
Nguyen-Huu notes that in order to attract women, computer games need to appear and behave differently. She points to Sims City, a game popular with young women. She explains that it's attractive to women because players can choose their own roles, and it's not violent. Nguyen-Huu believes games designed specifically for women can help families change how they see women.
Nguyen-Huu has blended her interest in computer science and sociology by pursuing an engineering degree in computer science with a co-op in sociology. Her interest in engineering began with her dad, who introduced her to the computer when she was very young. This was followed by an ongoing desire to solve puzzles.
When she graduates next year, Nguyen-Huu wants to take her dual interest in computers and sociology and do something that can make a difference in the lives of young women. "I would like to have some influence in changing things," explains Nguyen-Huu.
E-mail Nguyen-Huu at nguyenhm@uclink.berkely.edu Exploring the Sociology of Computer Interfaces