Rank | Score | Algorithm |
0 | 0.82 | Humans |
1 | 0.72 | Ren et al. NIPS2012 (color) |
2 | 0.68 | Global Probability of Boundary (color) |
3 | 0.67 | gPb-ucm (color) |
4 | 0.67 | Boosted Edge Learning (color) |
5 | 0.66 | xren (color) |
6 | 0.65 | Brightness / Color / Texture Gradients |
7 | 0.65 | Brightness / Texture Gradients |
8 | 0.64 | min-cover |
9 | 0.62 | Arbelaez POCV2006 |
10 | 0.49 | Color Gradient |
11 | 0.46 | Random |
Rank Algorithm (Score) | Pb | Precision/Recall |
0 Humans (0.82) |
1 Ren et al. NIPS2012 (color) (0.72) |
2 Global Probability of Boundary (color) (0.68) |
3 gPb-ucm (color) (0.67) |
4 Boosted Edge Learning (color) (0.67) |
5 xren (color) (0.66) |
6 Brightness / Color / Texture Gradients (0.65) |
7 Brightness / Texture Gradients (0.65) |
8 min-cover (0.64) |
9 Arbelaez POCV2006 (0.62) |
10 Color Gradient (0.49) |
11 Random (0.46) |
Page generated on 20-Feb-2013 11:08:27.