function benchNewAlg(benchdir,pres,alg) % benchNewAlg(benchdir,pres,alg) % % benchdir = root directory of benchmark results % pres = presentation, 'gray' or 'color' % alg = algorithm directory containing *.bmp pb files % % Things you should do before running this script: % % (1) Download and untar BSDS images and human data. % (2) Download the code (you must have done that if you're % reading this! % (3) Edit Dataset/bsdsRoot.m script to point to your BSDS % directory. % (4) Run 'gmake install' from the code directory. % (5) Create a benchmark directory e.g. 'bench' and untar the human % benchmark data into it. That should create 'bench/gray' % and 'bench/color' sub-directories, each with a 'human' % subdirectory. % (6) Put your algorithm's pb files into the directory under the % proper 'gray' or 'color' directory. % (7) Create the name.txt and about.html files in your algorithm % directory. algdir = fullfile(benchdir,pres,alg); fprintf(2,'Benchmarking algorithm (takes a while!)...\n'); boundaryBench(algdir,pres); fprintf(2,'Generating benchmark graphs for this algorithm...\n'); boundaryBenchGraphs(algdir); fprintf(2,'Generating benchmark graphs to compare algorithms...\n'); boundaryBenchGraphsMulti(benchdir); fprintf(2,'Generating benchmark web pages...\n'); boundaryBenchHtml(benchdir);