function [tg] = tgso(tmap,ntex,radius,theta,varargin) % function [tg] = tgso(tmap,ntex,radius,theta,...) % % Compute the texture gradient at a single orientation and scale. % % INPUT % tmap Texton map, values in [1,ntex]. % ntex Number of textons. % radius Radius of disc for tg. % theta Orientation orthogonal to tg. % 'smooth' Smoothing method, one of % {'gaussian','savgol','none'}, default 'none'. % 'sigma' Sigma for smoothing, default to radius. % 'tsim' Texton similarity matrix. If not % provided, then use chi-squared. % % OUTPUT % tg The tg image. % % David R. Martin % March 2003 % process options smooth = 'none'; sigma = radius; usechi2 = true; for i = 1:2:numel(varargin), opt = varargin{i}; if ~ischar(opt), error('option names not a string'); end if i==numel(varargin), error(sprintf('option ''%s'' has no value',opt)); end val = varargin{i+1}; switch opt, case 'smooth', switch val, case {'none','gaussian','savgol'}, smooth=val; otherwise, error(sprintf('invalid option smooth=''%s''',val)); end case 'sigma', sigma=val; case 'tsim', tsim=val; usechi2=false; otherwise, error(sprintf('invalid option ''%s''',opt)); end end radius = max(1,radius); theta = mod(theta,pi); % check texton labels if any(tmap~=round(tmap)), error('texton labels not integral'); end if min(tmap(:)) < 1 | max(tmap(:))>ntex, error(sprintf('texton labels out of range [1,%d]',ntex)); end % radius of discrete disc wr = floor(radius); % count number of pixels in a disc [u,v] = meshgrid(-wr:wr,-wr:wr); gamma = atan2(v,u); mask = (u.^2 + v.^2 <= radius^2); mask(wr+1,wr+1) = 0; % mask out center pixel to remove bias count = sum(mask(:)); % determine which half of the disc pixels fall in % (0=masked 1=left 2=right) side = 1 + (mod(gamma-theta,2*pi) < pi); side = side .* mask; if sum(sum(side==1)) ~= sum(sum(side==2)), error('bug:inbalance'); end lmask = (side==1)/count*2; rmask = (side==2)/count*2; % compute tg using 2*ntex convolutions if usechi2, tg = zeros(size(tmap)); for i = 1:ntex, im = (tmap==i); tgL = conv2(im,lmask,'same'); tgR = conv2(im,rmask,'same'); tg = tg + sum((tgL-tgR).^2./(tgL+tgR+eps),3); end tg = 0.5 * tg; else [h,w] = size(tmap); d = zeros(h*w,ntex); for i = 1:ntex, im = (tmap==i); tgL = conv2(im,lmask,'same'); tgR = conv2(im,rmask,'same'); d(:,i) = reshape(abs(tgL-tgR),h*w,1); end tg = sum((d*tsim).*d,2); tg = reshape(tg,h,w); end switch smooth, case 'gaussian', f = oeFilter([sigma .5],3,theta+pi/2); tg = applyFilter(f,tg); case 'savgol', a = fitparab(tg,sigma,sigma/4,theta); tg = max(0,a); end