function [im] = pboverlay(im,pb,channel,faint) % function [im] = pboverlay(im,pb,channel,faint) % % Overlay the pb onto an image. % % INPUTS % im Grayscale or RGB image, values in [0,1]. % pb Boundary map, values in [0,1]. % [channel=2] Row vector of channels into which to % put the pb, in [1,3]. % [faint=0.4] Mulitplier for image, in [0,1]. % % OUTPUTS % im Faded image with overlayed pb. % % David R. Martin if nargin<3, channel=2; end; if nargin<4, faint=0.4; end; faint = max(0,min(1,faint)); if ~isgray(pb), error('pb not a grayscale image'); end if ~(isrgb(im) | isgray(im)), error('im not a grayscale or rgb image'); end if isgray(im), im = cat(3,im,im,im); end im = im * faint; for c = channel, im(:,:,c) = min(1,pb+im(:,:,c)); end