function [fim] = fbRun(fb,im) % function [fim] = fbRun(fb,im) % % Run a filterbank on an image with reflected boundary conditions. % % See also fbCreate,padReflect. % % David R. Martin % March 2003 % find the max filter size maxsz = max(size(fb{1})); for i = 1:numel(fb), maxsz = max(maxsz,max(size(fb{i}))); end % pad the image r = floor(maxsz/2); impad = padReflect(im,r); % run the filterbank on the padded image, and crop the result back % to the original image size fim = cell(size(fb)); for i = 1:numel(fb), if size(fb{i},1)<50, fim{i} = conv2(impad,fb{i},'same'); else fim{i} = fftconv2(impad,fb{i}); end fim{i} = fim{i}(r+1:end-r,r+1:end-r); end