Advanced Program
To be held in
conjunction with the
Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS)
February 27,
2:00pm 120A Bechtel Engineering Center
This year we will hold a student research track at the new Berkeley EECS Annual Research Symposium (BEARS), which will be attended by faculty, students, industry researchers, and select press. Student-authored papers were solicited in all areas of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences. An expedited conference review process was conducted by a program committee affiliated with the department. The program is extremely selective, with eight papers chosen from a total of 38 very high quality submissions. We hope you enjoy this small piece of the rich and varied research conducted by EECS graduate students.
Session I: Ron Fearing - Chair |
2:00pm |
SRAM Leakage
Suppression by Minimizing Standby Supply Voltage, Huifang Qin, Yu Cao, Dejan Markovic, Andrei Vladimirescu, and Jan Rabaey. |
2:20pm |
Variable Optical Buffer Using Slow Light in Semiconductor Nanostructures,
Pei-Cheng Ku, Connie Chang-Hasnain, Jungho Kim, and Shun-Lien Chuang. |
2:40pm |
Unfolding and
Refolding Planar Polygons, Hayley Iben, James O'Brien, Erik Demaine, and Jason Cantrella. |
3:00pm |
Towards Root Cause Analysis of Internet Routing Dynamics, Matthew Caesar, L. Subramanian, and Randy Katz. |
3:20-3:40pm |
Break |
Session II: Eric Brewer - Chair |
3:40pm |
Radiance Caching and Local Geometry
Correction, Arikan Okan, David Forsyth, and James O'Brien. |
4:00pm |
Faces and Names in the
News, Tamara Miller, Alexander Berg, Jaety Edwards, Michael Maire, Ryan White, Wee-Whye Teh, Erik Learned-Miller, and David Forsyth. |
4:20pm |
An Architecture for
Privacy-Sensitive Ubiquitous Computing, Jason Hong and James
Landay. |
4:40pm |
Location-Based Services
for Low-Income Communities in the California Central Valley, Matthew Kam, Arianna Tibuzzi, and Xinyu Hua |
David Culler
Peter Bartlett
Jerry Feldman
David Forsyth
Anthony Joseph
Andy Neureuther
Borivoje Nikolic
James O'Brien
Christos Papadimitriou
Kannan Ramchandran
Alberto Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
For questions
regarding this event, contact