Registration will close at 5:00pm on Tuesday, Feb. 11.
Morning Session: Chevron Auditorium, International House - 2299 Piedmont Avenue, UC Berkeley (Program flyer)
08:00 - 08:45am |
Registration |
08:45 - 09:00am |
Welcome and announcement of the EECS Distinguished Alumni awardees - Professors David Culler and Tsu-Jae King Liu |
09:00 - 09:30am |
"Flexible Medical Devices: Imaging and Health Monitoring" - Professor Ana Arias
We will discuss the use of printed flexible devices in medical devices that monitor heath signs such as pulse rate, blood oxygenation and temperature. |
09:30 - 10:00am |
"Combating Internet Attacks By Infiltrating Cybercrime" - Professor Vern Paxson
Many Internet attacks require attackers to operate at a scale that necessitates interacting with unknown parties - rendering their activities vulnerable to “infiltration” by defenders. This talk will sketch research that has leveraged such infiltration to striking effect. |
10:00 - 10:30am |
"Cyborg insects and other things: building interfaces between the synthetic and the multicellular" - Professor Michel Maharbiz
An overview of our ongoing exploration of remote control of insects in free flight via implantable radio-equipped miniatureneural stimulating systems; recent results with pupally-implantedneural interfaces and extreme miniaturization directions. |
10:30 - 11:00am |
"Berkeley Institute of Data Science" - Professors Saul Perlmutter & David Culler
This talk will present Berkeley's new interdisciplinary institute for data science. |
11:00 - 11:30am |
Break |
11:30 - 12:30pm |
Hot Topics at EECS Research Centers - Graduate Student Presentations
Graduate student researchers from across the EECS research centers will share their work with a rapid fire sequence of fun, 5 minute presentations.
The End of The End of Scalable and Correct Distributed Databases - Peter Bailis, AMPLab (Algorithms, Machines, and People Laboratory)
Raven: An Energy-Efficient Multicore Processor - Ben Keller, ASPIRE (Algorithms and Specializers for Provably-optimal Implementations with Resiliency and Efficiency Lab) & BWRC (Berkeley Wireless Research Center)
Customized 3D Printed Implants for Enhancing Radiation Dose Conformation in Intracavitary Brachytherapy for Cancer Treatment - Animesh Garg, Automation Sciences Lab
Deep Object Detection and Caffe - Jeff Donahue, BVLC (Berkeley Vision and Learning Center)
The Once and Future Computer: Post-Moore Mechanical Circuits - Matthew Spencer, BWRC (Berkeley Wireless Research Center) & E3S (Center for Energy Efficient Electronics Science)
Occupant Detection and Tracking Using Heterogeneous Data Sources - Kevin Weekly, CREST (Center for Research in Energy Systems Transformation)
Compressed Domain Audio Fingerprinting - Timothy J. Tsai, ICSI (International Computer Science Institute)
Unsupervised Transcription of Historical Documents - Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick, NLP (Natural Language Processing Group)
Will lasers be in your next hard drive? - Samarth Bhargava, Optoelectronics Lab
Alice in Warningland: A Large-Scale Field Study of Browser Security Warnings- Devdatta Akhawe, SCRUB (Secure Computing Research for User's Benefit)
ABCD: Representing Continuous Dynamical Systems Using Purely Boolean Models - Aadithya V. Karthik, TerraSwarm
Community Cellular Networks -Shaddi Hassan, TIER (Technology and Infrastructure for Emerging Regions)
Content-Based Tools for Editing Audio Stories - Steve Rubin, Visualization Lab
A Fully Integrated, Printed, Self-Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Node for Engine and Motor Condition Monitoring - Rich Winslow
12:30 - 01:00pm |
Lunch - Please note the change in lunch. Box lunches will be provided after the morning session in designated areas of both Cory and Soda Halls, before the research centers open house. |
Research Centers Open House |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Algorithms, Machines, and People Laboratory (AMP Lab)
4th Floor, Soda Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Algorithms and Specializers for Provably Optimal Implementations with Resilience and Efficiency (ASPIRE)
5th Floor, Soda Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Berkeley Center for New Media (BCNM)
4th Floor, Sutardja Dai Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center (BSAC)
Huges Room, 400 Cory Hall
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC)
510 Soda Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC)
Room 250 & Atrium, Sutardja Dai Hall
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Center for Hybrid and Embedded Software Systems (CHESS)
Poster session-SWARM Lab, 490 Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society (CITRIS)
Invention Lab poster session and demonstrations
141/143 Sutardja Dai hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Center for Research in Energy Systems Transformation (CREST)
406 Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Donald O. Pederson Center for Electronic Systems Design (DOP)
540 A/B Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Hybrid Systems Laboratory (HSL)
Quadrotor demo-391 Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems Center (iCYPHY)
SWARM Lab, 490 Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
International Computer Science Institute
1947 Center Street, Suite 600 |
01:00 - 3:00pm |
Robotics Lab
337 Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Robot Learning Lab
7th Floor, Sutardja Dai hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Software Defined Buildings
Poster session
4th Floor Foyer, Soda Hall
12:45 - 03:00pm |
SurgiCal Robotics / Automation Science Lab
444 Soda Hall
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Poster session-490 Cory Hall
12:45-02:45pm |
133 Sutardja Dai Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Poster session-SWARM Lab, 490 Cory Hall |
12:45 - 03:00pm |
Visual Computing Lab (VCL)
5th Floor, Soda Hall |