FIAT LUX - Fusion in Art, Technology and Life - by Steve Beck
Engineering a better world includes improving the quality of life by applying technology to the integration of life, art, science, cultures and understanding. We hope that the FIAT LUX project will help to build cultural bridges, and lead to the discovery of some useful new applications.
Our thesis is that Art and Technology in Service to Society (ARTISTS) is a valuable CITRIS component, applying engineering methods and processes to helping to improve the quality of human life on our planet.
Research at the intersection of art and technology can lead to significant cultural and economic benefits. Witness the application of traditional art processes such as lithography and photography into photo microlithography which lead to the CMOS IC Semiconductor Industry.
UL - A = D : Urban Life absent Aesthetics = Disaster
UL + A = E : Urban Life plus Aesthetics = Enabling, Empowering, Enhancement
The NOOR Research Project Component of FIAT LUX - by Steve Beck
Noor is the Arabic and Farsi word meaning Light. As an initial component of the FIAT LUX research project, we are developing new computer graphics and animation technologies in ultra high definition video, with the goal of bringing into the 21st Century time variant analytical geometric patterns of the classical Middle Eastern cultures, including Islamic, Turkish, Persian, Ottoman, Byzantine, Hebrew and other cultures, from the 6th to 20th centuries (CE). Applications and research goals include: large scale LED video light sculptures in architectural settings, interactive educational tools and video games for mathematical instruction for students, and production of a PBS-TV documentary program in association with The Smithsonian Institute and the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
These geometric patterns represent mathematical principles of importance. We also intend to explore their potential applications in CMOS semiconductor devices, nanotech, MEMS, and also their physiological and psychological wellness applications. The prototype animation demonstrations shown are just the beginning.
Principle Investigator and Faculty Collaborator: Prof. Carlo Sequin, PhD. EECS
Steve Beck., Visiting Fellow
Technology Artist in Residence
Executive in Residence, Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
UC Berkeley College of Engineering
225B Bechtel Engineering Center
Research Support Gifts - Thank you! - from:
Beck-Tech Corp. Berkeley, CA
Xenel International USA, Westlake Village, CA
No University or Public Funds have been used in this research.
Additional Faculty Collaborators: Prof. Nezar Alsayyad, CMES, Prof. Emeritus Dave Hodges EECS, Prof. Paul Wright ME, Prof. Greg Niemeyer, Art Practices, Dean A. Richard Newton, Executive Producer In Memoriam.
Student and staff collaborators include: Dan Chapman (ME), Omar Bakr (EE), Jeremy Huddleston (CS), Phat Ho (Viet Nam), and others.
© 2006-2007 Steve Beck All Rights Reserved
Public Information Links:
Steve Beck
Visiting Fellow
Technology Artist in Residence
Distinguished Mackay Lecturer
Executive in Residence, Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology
College of Engineering
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
University of California, Berkeley
563 Cory Hall
2117 Etcheverry Hall "Cybercut Labs"
Advisory Council Member, Lawrence Hall of Science
Skype: stevebb123

Large Scale LED Video Light Sculpture shown at BEARS 07 Symposium.

Still frame moment from autonomous algorithmic geometric generator, 60 fps HDTV resolution, realtime interactive animation using Open GL.

Prof. Carlo Sequin, Chancellor Birgeneau and Steve Beck, Feb. 2007
Viewing NOOR LED Video Light Sculpture Animations at BEARS 07 event.
Hearst Memorial Mining Building, UC Berkeley.
AME Center: Art, Math, Education
Professor Carlo Sequin, EECS
Steve Beck, Visiting Fellow, Technology Artist in Residence, EECS
AME = Art, Math & Education
The AME-Center is a new research center at CITRIS at UC Berkeley and other campuses.
The missions of the AME-Center include:
-- Research and development of new and exciting educational materials
at the intersection of art, math, and technology-supported teaching models.
-- Establish a Neo Bauhaus environment where multidisciplinary scholars,
practicing artists, professors, students and international research
specialists can come together to advance the knowledge base of AME.
-- Provide a holding center for other art & technology research projects
such as the FIAT LUX project, ATC, and others.
-- Develop courses and classes for students to teach new methods,
concepts and processes in engineering and other disciplines related to AME.
-- Establish a AME web site for international publications and
interactions with scholars, artists, students and others world wide.
-- Development of enhancements to educational institutions and to the
urban environment in general: through artistic architectural artifacts,
public sculptures, and interactive works - both tangible and virtual ...
-- Creation of specific works, installations, broadcasts, and events to
inspire students to pursue studies in mathematics and mathematics-oriented
sciences, and to make contributions to society in those areas.
-- Development, installation, and operation of new visual scholarship
experiences such as the A. Richard Newton Memorial Walls of Light at
CITRIS, Sproul Plaza, People's Park, and/or other campuses in California
and International places.
The A. Richard Newton Memorial Walls of Light Project
A new component of the FIAT LUX art and technology research at the College of Engineering is the proposed A. Richard Newton Memorial Walls of Light at CITRIS, Sproul Plaza, People's Park, and in Jiddah.
Utilizing the latest state of the art LED video screens, these Walls of Light will present visual scholarship, visual art, and images of science, technology, engineering, mathematics, social messages and other visual displays at key campus and international locations.
The A. Richard Newton Memorial Wall of Light at CITRIS
Proposal for a permanent "FIAT LUX" LED Video Light Display on CITRIS at the University of California, Berkeley, College of Engineering Campus, in honor of the memory, contributions and accomplishments of the late Dean A. Richard Newton.
Submitted By: Steve Beck and Carlo Sequin, EECS and CITRIS
"FIAT LUX!" Let There Be Light! (Motto of the University of California)
"Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night:
God said, Let Newton be! and all was light."
- Alexander Pope
"If I have been able to see further, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants."
- Sir Isaac Newton

A Campanile for the 21st Century at the new CITRIS World Headquarters.
Collaboration at CITRIS among several colleges and departments, including computer science and the RAD Lab, EE Department, IEOR, Civil Engineering, Department of Art Practices, Department of Architecture, Molecular Biology and Life Sciences, and others.
The A. Richard Newton Memorial Wall of Light will be a permanent addition to and enhancement of the new CITRIS World Headquarters Building on the UC Campus.
It will be a surface of LED video lights that will beam aesthetically designed information to students, faculty, visitors, guests and Berkeley residents, and increase the stature of the UC Berkeley campus.
The Wall of Light will also attract prospective students to the UC Berkeley campus in the 21st Century, and will serve as a digital canvas for new media information design and display.
Green technology will be utilized to the maximum level in powering these walls of light.s |