Location: 540 A & B Cory Hall
Time: 3:00 - 5:00pm
Please come join us for a poster and demo session where we will share our work on:
- Advanced Spectrum Utilization
- 60 GHz and Above
- Ultra-low Power Wireless
- Energy Storage & Scavenging
- Reconfigurable Systems
- Leading Edge Circuits Technology
BWRC is a pioneer in a new wave of university-industry-government partnerships. The Center is focused on forging deep relationships with leading wireless companies so that industry can rapidly transfer new technologies and university researchers can benefit from industrial experience. BWRC provides an environment for research into the design issues necessary to support next generation wireless communication systems and expand the graduate research program in the wireless segment. The research focus is on highly-integrated CMOS implementations with the lowest possible energy consumption and advanced communication algorithms. Components are fabricated using state-of-the-art processes and evaluated in a realistic test environment. Center membership provides access to faculty and graduate students involved in a large interdisciplinary research effort with a modest investment. The critical-mass combination of UC Berkeley researchers, government funding agencies and leading companies in their respective areas has the potential of making truly significant advances possible.
To learn more about BEARS 2009 and register: http://www.eecs.berkeley.edu/IPRO/BEARS/ |