Joint Colloquium

This colloquium is dedicated to hosting presentations at the intersection of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. The colloquium consists of a mix of short faculty presentations presenting their latest research results, with presentations of internationally distinguished speakers who are brought to campus to interact with our department's community.

Wednesdays 4:00-5:00 PM HP Auditorium, 306 Soda Hall (unless otherwise noted)

Spring 2013

January 23
Distinguished Lecture Series

GraphLab: Machine Learning for Big Data in the Cloud

Carlos Guestrin
CSE, University of Washington

January 30
Distinguished Lecture Series

Revisiting the Design of Database Systems, Inside and Out

Samuel Madden
Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, MIT

February 6
Distinguished Lecture Series

What's up in Power Conversion for the Smart Grid

Umesh Mishra

Professor, Electrical & Computer Engineering, UC Santa Barbara

February 13
Distinguished Lecture Series


February 20
Distinguished Lecture Series

Toward Highly Dynamic Locomotion : Actuation, structure and control of the MIT cheetah robot

Sangbae Kim
Professor, Mechanical Engineering, MIT

February 27
Distinguished Lecture Series

Materials Innovation for Future Electronics

Ali Javey
Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley

March 6
Distinguished Lecture Series

Software is Rebooting Journalism: Data Mining and Visualization in the Public Interest

Jeff Larson

March 13
Distinguished Lecture Series

Data-driven Image Understanding

Alexei Efros
Professor, The Robotics Institute and Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University

March 20
Distinguished Lecture Series

Undergrad Town Hall
(No colloquium)

March 27
Distinguished Lecture Series


April 3
Distinguished Lecture Series

Robust Cyber-Physical Systems: An utopia within reach

Paulo Tabuada

Professor, Electrical Engineering Dept., UCLA

April 10
Distinguished Lecture Series

Modeling and Analysis of High-Throughput RNA Structure Mapping Experiments

Sharon Aviran
Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Computational Biology, Molecular and Cell Biology and Mathematics, UC Berkeley

April 17
Distinguished Lecture Series


April 24
Distinguished Lecture Series


May 1
Distinguished Lecture Series


May 8
Distinguished Lecture Series


May 15
Distinguished Lecture Series