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ERSO/CSS Team 2 affiliates are no longer included on this directory. You can find them using the ERSO People Finder.

Name Office Phone E-Mail Status Affil. Sponsor
Abbatecola, Angie Berkeley Way West +1 510 643-6413 angie@eecs Staff EECS Goldstein, Leslie
Abbeel, Pieter 746 Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 642-7034 pabbeel@eecs Faculty CS
Afzal, Hamidreza hamidreza@eecs Postdoctorate BWRC Chien, Jun-Chau
Agnew, Bennett 231 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6685 bennettagnew@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Aiello, Monica 369 Soda Hall monica.aiello@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Allman, Eric 490 Cory Hall eric@eecs Staff EECS Rabaey, Jan
Allstot, Dave 564 Cory Hall allstot@eecs Faculty EECS
Alonzo, Manuel 321 Soda Hall malonzo@eecs Staff EECS Rohrbach, Lars
Ambrose, Amy Calvin Lab amyambrose@eecs Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Ameli, Siavash 465 Soda Hall sameli@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Mahoney, Michael
Anantharam, Venkatachalam 271 Cory Hall +1 510 643-8435 ananth@eecs Faculty EE
Anderson, Andre 330 Sutardja Dai Hall andreanderson@eecs Staff Other
Anderson-Lee, Jeffrey +1 510 643-6447 jonah@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Angelopoulos, Anastasios 465 Soda Hall angelopoulos@eecs Postdoctorate EE Stoica, Ion
Anton, Glenna 205 Cory Hall ganton@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Anumanchipalli, Gopala 490A Cory Hall gopala@eecs Faculty EECS
Arcak, Murat 201 Cory Hall +1 510 642-4804 arcak@eecs Faculty EE
Ardakani, Arash 584 Soda Hall arash.ardakani@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Wawrzynek, John
Ardis, Lauren 103 Jacobs Hall 510-664-7567 laurenardis@eecs Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Arias, Ana 231B Cory Hall +1 510 642-1728 acarias@eecs Faculty EE
Arntzenius, Michael 573 Soda Hall rntz@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Willsey, Max
Asanovic, Krste 579B Soda Hall +1 510 642-6506 krste@eecs Faculty CS
Atamturk, Alper 423 Sutardja Dai Hall atamturk@eecs Faculty IEOR
Atchley, Kattt 465D Soda Hall +1 510 643-3499 atchley@eecs Staff EECS Stoica, Ion
Attwood, David 201 Cory Hall attwood@eecs Professor in Residence EE
Au, David 377 Cory Hall 510-642-6929 davidau8195@eecs Staff EECS Law, Katherina
Ayazifar, Babak 517 Cory Hall +1 510 642-9945 ayazifar@eecs Faculty EE&CS
B. Pasandi, Hannah 421 Soda Hall hanapasandi@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Shenker, Scott
Baldini, Logan 253A Cory Hall +1 510 384-8914 lbaldini@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Bar, Amir Collaborator EE&CS Darrell, Trevor
Barsky, Brian 441 Soda Hall +1 510 642-9838 barsky@cs Faculty CS
Bartl, Michael 403 Cory Hall michael.bartl@eecs Staff EECS Yablonovitch, Eli
Bartlett, Peter 723 Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 642-7780 bartlett@eecs Faculty CS
Bartley, Jack 307 Cory Hall jack.bartley@eecs Visiting Researcher EECS Anwar, Mekhail
Basile, Alessandro 465 Soda Hall alex.basile@eecs Visiting Scholar EECS Popa, Raluca
Bayen, Alexandre 642 Sutardja Dai Hall bayen@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Bhartia, Aryaman 395 Cory Hall jhunji17@eecs Staff EECS Rohrbach, Lars
Bianco, Stephanie 210C Jacobs Hall bianco@eecs Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Bodeker, Barry barry.b@eecs Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Bokor, Jeffrey 545P Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 642-4134 jbokor@eecs Faculty EE
Boles, Jessica 571 Cory Hall boles@eecs Faculty EE
Borgs, Christian Berkeley Way West borgs@eecs Faculty CS
Boser, Bernhard +1 510 643-8350 boser@eecs Faculty EE
Bouchard, Caroline BWRC cbouchard@eecs Staff BWRC Candelaria, Jonathan
Brewer, Eric 443 Soda Hall +1 510 642-8143 brewer@cs Faculty CS
Briggs, Ria 563 Soda Hall +1 510 643-1455 riamelendres@eecs Staff COE Atchley, Kattt
BSAC, Reception 403 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6690 bsacdesk@eecs Staff BSAC
Buluc, Aydin Soda Hall aydin@eecs Adjunct Professor CS
Caceres, Carlos 395 Cory Hall +1 510 642-7777 ccaceres@eecs Staff EECS Rohrbach, Lars
Caldas, Luisa 337F Cory Hall lcaldas@eecs Faculty CEDR
Calderon, Derek 327 Soda Hall +1 510 642-2338 dcalderon@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Callaway, Duncan 4th floor Sutardja Dai Hall dcal@eecs Faculty EE
Caloud, Carissa 367 Soda Hall ccaloud@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Candelaria, Jonathan jjcandel@eecs Staff BSAC Candelaria, Jonathan
Canny, John 637 Soda Hall +1 510 642-9955 jfc@cs Faculty CS
Cao, Yuan 253M Cory Hall caoyuan@eecs Faculty EE
Carmena, Jose 563 Cory Hall +1 510 643-2430 carmena@eecs Faculty EE
Carson, Cathryn 465 Soda Hall clcarson@EECS Faculty HISTORY
Cartwright, Alyssa 307 Cory Hall alyssa_cartwright@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Anwar, Mekhail
Castrellon, Jamie 315 Soda Hall jamiecastrellon@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Cavizo-Briggs, Mikaela BWRC m.cbriggs@eecs Staff EECS
Chang, Gabe 375 Soda Hall +1 510 642-1390 gabe@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Chang, Hamilton 313 Soda Hall hamiltonchang@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Chang, Serina 387 Soda Hall serinac@eecs Faculty CS
Chang-Hasnain, Constance +1 510 642-4315 cch@eecs Emeritus EE
Chasins, S. 727 Soda Hall schasins@eecs Faculty CS
Chayes, Jennifer 102 South Hall jchayes@eecs Faculty CS
Chen, William 323 Soda Hall william@eecs Staff EECS Rohrbach, Lars
Chen, Zaijun 259M Cory Hall zaijun@eecs Faculty EE
Cheung, Alvin 785 Soda Hall akcheung@eecs Faculty CS
Chien, Jun-Chau 518 Cory Hall jcchien@eecs Faculty EE
Chiu, Finsen 378 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6141 finsen@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Chouteau, Tammy 565 Soda Hall +1 510 643-4816 tamille@eecs Staff EECS Nikolic, Borivoje
Chu, Eric 193M Cory Hall +1 510 643-8400 eric_chu@eecs Staff EECS Flounders, Albert
Chua, Leon +1 510 642-3209 chua@eecs Emeritus EE
Conners, Cindy 379 Soda Hall 3-6002 csconners@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Coombs, Rachel rscoombs@eecs Postdoctorate MCB
Corpus Steudeman, Candy BWRC candycorpus@eecs Staff BWRC
Courtade, Thomas 265 Cory Hall +1 510 643-0359 courtade@eecs Faculty EE
Crittenden, Camille 356E Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 643-8834 ccrittenden@eecs Staff EECS Spanos, Costas
Crooks, Natacha 723 Soda Hall ncrooks@eecs Faculty CS
Cuadron, Alejandro 465 Soda Hall acuadron@eecs Visiting Researcher EECS Stoica, Ion
Culler, David 443 Soda Hall culler@cs Faculty CS
Dabhi, Chetankumar Trikambhai dabhi@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Hu, Chenming
Darrell, Trevor 307 Cory Hall trevor@eecs Adjunct Professor EE&CS
Davis, Becky 375 Soda Hall beckydavis@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Davis, Antoine 221 Cory Hall +1 510 642-7214 antoined@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Davis, Colin 395 Soda Hall colinm@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Delle Monache, Maria Laura 646 Sutardja Dai Hall mldellemonache@eecs Faculty CE
Delligatti, Chris 393 Soda Hall +1 510 704-3853 delligatti@EECS Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Demmel, James Soda Hall +1 510 643-5386 demmel@cs Faculty CS
DeNero, John 781 Soda Hall +1 510 643-7354 denero@eecs Lecturer CS
Desai, Aditya 465 Soda Hall apdesai@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Stoica, Ion
Dey-Ward, Caitlin 313 Soda Hall +1 510 643-5383 caitlin@eecs Staff CS Williamson, Josephine
Dimakis, Alex 253 Cory Hall alexdimakis@eecs Faculty EE
Dinh, Amy 103 Jacobs Hall amydinh@eecs Staff COE Keathley, Gwynne
Dorrance, Richard 284 Cory Hall rdorrance@eecs Lecturer EECS
Dragan, Anca 387 Soda Hall anca@eecs Faculty CS
Duncan, Charlene 349 Soda Hall +1 510 642-2357 cdhughes@EECS Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Dunleavy, Michele mdunleavy@eecs Staff Other
Dutta, Prabal 550C Cory Hall prabal@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Efros, Alexei 510 Soda Hall efros@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Egelman, Serge 726 Soda Hall egelman@eecs Staff EECS Wagner, David
El Ghaoui, Laurent 533 Soda Hall +1 510 643-8351 elghaoui@eecs Emeritus EE
Enriquez, Marcelino 333 Soda Hall +1 510 642-9543 mars@eecs Staff EECS Mullally, Kevin
Ergen Behr, Can cergen@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Yosef, Nir
Erichson, Ben 465 Soda Hall erichson@eecs Visiting Scholar STATS Mahoney, Michael
Faraji, Morteza 331 Soda Hall mfaraji@eecs Staff EECS Kuo, Yu-Tin
Farid, Hany 203A South Hall hfarid@eecs Faculty CS
Fateman, Richard 441 Soda Hall +1 510 642-1879 fateman@cs Emeritus CS
Fearing, Ronald 545P Cory Hall +1 510 642-9193 ronf@eecs Faculty EE
Feldman, Jerome 441 Soda Hall +1 510 666-2914 jfeldman@cs Emeritus CS
Finlayson, Jill Sutardja Dai Hall finlayson@eecs Staff EECS Crittenden, Camille
Fletcher, Christopher Soda Hall cwfletcher@eecs Faculty EECS
Flinker, Julia 381 Soda Hall +1 510 643-6618 jflinker@EECS Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Fox, Armando 581 Soda Hall +1 510 642-6820 fox@cs Faculty CS
Fraser, Eric 317 Soda Hall +1 510 520-1346 fraser@eecs Staff EECS
Friedland, Gerald 387 Soda Hall fractor@EECS Faculty CS
Gamble, Jessica 337E Cory Hall +1 510 643-5105 jesnjosh@eecs Staff EE Pister, Kristofer
Garcia, Dan 777 Soda Hall +1 510 517-4041 ddgarcia@cs Faculty CS
Garcia, Gina 205 Cory Hall 1 510 642-1786 garciagi@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Garcia Cortes, Floriberto 349 Soda Hall fj2019@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Garg, Sanjam 685 Soda Hall sanjamg@EECS Faculty CS
Gaspar Schroeder, Luis 465 Soda Hall luisgasparschroeder@eecs Visiting Graduate Student EECS Gonzalez, Joey
Gerlein-Safdi, Cynthia 640 Sutardja Dai Hall cgerlein@eecs Faculty CEE
Gholaminejad, Amir 573 Soda Hall amirgh@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Keutzer, Kurt
Gin, Gary Jacobs Hall garygin@eecs Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Glen, Cody 110 Jacobs Hall 5106647565 codyglen@eecs Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Goldberg, Ken 425 Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 643-9565 goldberg@eecs Faculty CS
goldwasser, shafi 689 Soda Hall shafi@eecs Faculty CS
Gomez, Hani 490 Cory Hall gomezhc@eecs Postdoctorate EE Pister, Kristofer
Gonzalez, Joey 773 Soda Hall jegonzal@eecs Faculty CS
Gottbrath, Joseph Jacobs Hall joeygottbrath@EECS Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Graham, Susan 751 Soda Hall +1 510 642-2059 graham@cs Emeritus CS
Greene, James 231 Cory Hall jpgreene@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Grillmeyer, Oliver 329 Soda Hall topramen@eecs Lecturer CS
Grimsley Vazquez, Tiffany 253 Cory Hall grimsley@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Gu, Shangding 406 Cory Hall +1 510 761-1718 Postdoctorate EECS Spanos, Costas
Guruswami, Venkatesan 625 Soda Hall venkatg@eecs Faculty CS
Gustafson, Ture 558B Cory Hall +1 510 642-3139 tkg@eecs Emeritus EE
Guthrie, Kaitlyn 205 Cory Hall 2-1786 kait.guthrie@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Hartmann, Bjoern 417 Sutardja Dai Hall bjoern@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Harvey, Brian 441 Soda Hall +1 510 642-8311 bh@cs Emeritus CS
Hassanzadehyamchi, Saleh salehyk@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Niknejad, Ali
Hasson, Ashley 118 Calvin Lab ahasson@eecs Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Hearst, Marti 212 South Hall +1 510 642-8016 marti@eecs Visiting Faculty CS
Hegazy, Kareem 465 Soda Hall khegazy@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Mahoney, Michael
Hellerstein, Joseph 789 Soda Hall +1 510 643-4011 hellerstein@eecs Faculty CS
Hernan, Patrick 215 Cory Hall +1 510 642-9265 hernan@eecs Staff EE Kauer, Susanne
Herrera, Steven steven.herrera@eecs Staff Other
Heuer, Michael 465 Soda Hall mheuer@eecs Staff EECS Joseph, Anthony
Hilfinger, Paul 787 Soda Hall +1 510 642-8401 hilfingr@cs Faculty CS
Hoey, Robin 121 Calvin Lab +1 510 664-9075 rhoey@EECS Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Holynski, Aleksander 307 Cory Hall holynski@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Efros, Alexei
Horsley, David 490B Cory Hall +1 510 643-6690 dhorsley@eecs Visiting Faculty EECS
Hu, Chenming 502 Cory Hall +1 510 642-3393 hu@eecs Faculty EE
Hu, Zhanhao 721 Soda Hall huzhanhao@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Wagner, David
Huang, Linda 384 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6096 lindah@eecs Staff EECS Chiu, Finsen
Huang, Wayne 331 Soda Hall ywhuang@eecs Staff COE Kuo, Yu-Tin
Huang, Franco Leonardo Cory Hall franco_huang@eecs Visiting Scholar EE&CS Yang, Allen
Hug, Joshua 779 Soda Hall hug@eecs Lecturer CS
Hulsebos, Madelon Soda Hall madelon@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Parameswaran, Aditya
Humphreys, Sheila 558D Cory Hall +1 510 643-1974 humphrys@eecs Staff EECS Malik, Jitendra
Hunn, Christopher 341C Soda Hall +1 510 664-7546 cthunn@eecs Staff CS Williamson, Josephine
Infante, Roxana 108C Berkeley Way West +1 510 643-3257 roxana@eecs Staff EECS Abbatecola, Angie
Ioannidis, Nilah 513 Soda Hall nilah@eecs Faculty CS
Iyer, Rishabh 419 Soda Hall rishabh.iyer@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Ratnasamy, Sylvia
Jaffrelot Inizan, Theo 465 Soda Hall theo.jaf@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Gonzalez, Joey
Jain, Lakshya 329 Soda Hall lakshya.jain@eecs Lecturer CS
Jain, Vikram 269 Cory Hall vikramj@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Nikolic, Borivoje
Jang, Harim 395 Cory Hall hailey_jang@eecs Staff EECS Rohrbach, Lars
Javey, Ali 621C Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 643-7263 ajavey@eecs Faculty EE
Jiao, Jiantao 257M Cory Hall jiantao@eecs Faculty EECS
Jin, Frank frank.jin@eecs Visiting Researcher EECS Fletcher, Christopher
Johnston, Grayson 205 Cory Hall +1 510 642-7372 gjohnston@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Jones, Sarah 254M Cory Hall sarah.jones@eecs Staff CDSS Hill, Adrian
Jordan, Michael 465 Soda Hall +1 510 642-3806 jordan@cs Faculty CS
Joseph, Anthony 479 Soda Hall +1 510 643-7212 adj@eecs Faculty CS
Kahan, William 441 Soda Hall +1 510 642-5638 wkahan@cs Emeritus CS
Kane, Kristin 121 Calvin Lab kakane@eecs Staff EECS Karp, Richard
Kang, Munkyu 468 Cory Hall munkyu@eecs Postdoctorate BWRC Muller, Rikky
Kante, Boubacar 265M Cory Hall bkante@eecs Faculty EE
Kao, Peyrin 443 Soda Hall peyrin@eecs Lecturer EECS
Karp, Richard Soda Hall +1 510 642-5799 karp@cs Emeritus CS
Katagiri, Ami 108C Berkeley Way West amickatagiri@eecs Staff Other Abbatecola, Angie
Katz, Randy 751 Soda Hall +1 510 643-1381 randy@cs Faculty CS
Kawamura, Emi 261M Cory Hall kawamura@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Lieberman, Michael
Keathley, Gwynne 120A Jacobs Hall 510-664-7570 gkeathley@eecs Director EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Keutzer, Kurt 566 Soda Hall +1 510 642-9267 keutzer@eecs Faculty EE
Klein, Dan Soda Hall +1 510 643-0805 klein@eecs Faculty CS
Klingenberger, Frances 121 Calvin Lab fklingenberger@eecs Staff EECS
Knapp, Shane sknapp@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Kothapalli, Abhiram 665 Soda Hall akothapalli@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Garg, Sanjam
Kozachenko, Igor 577 Soda Hall igor175@eecs Staff EECS Demmel, James
Krishnapriyan, Aditi 387 Soda Hall aditik@eecs Faculty EECS
Kuan, Huo Chao 490C Cory Hall hckuan@eecs Staff EECS Gamble, Jessica
Kubiatowicz, John 673 Soda Hall +1 510 643-6817 kubitron@cs Faculty CS
Kulkarni, Yash yashkulkarni@eecs Staff MCB
Kuo, Yu-Tin 369 Soda Hall 510-643-7848 yutin@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Kuroda, Jon 465R Soda Hall +1 510 643-7455 jkuroda@cs Staff EECS Gonzalez, Joey
Landau, Zeph 617 Soda Hall landau@eecs Visiting Faculty MATH Vazirani, Umesh
Larsen, Kelsey 118 Calvin Lab 510-664-9856 kjlarsen@eecs Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Lau, Kam 574 Cory Hall +1 510 642-6251 klau@eecs Emeritus EE
Law, Katherina 380 Cory Hall +1 510 643-0843 law@eecs Staff EECS McNally, Scott
Lee, Bryan 205 McLaughlin Hall +1 510 643-6966 blee@eecs Staff COE
Lee, Edward 545Q Cory Hall +1 510 643-3728 eal@eecs Emeritus EE
Lee, Meredith 449 Soda Hall mmlee@eecs Staff EECS
Leung, Hannah lhannah@eecs Visiting Researcher EECS Fletcher, Christopher
Levien, Heather 223 Cory Hall +1 510 643-8208 heather@eecs Staff EECS Richter, Jean
Levine, Sergey 754 Sutardja Dai Hall svlevine@EECS Faculty CS
Lewis, Edwin 565 Cory Hall +1 510 642-4513 lewis@eecs Emeritus EE
Lieberman, Michael 261M Cory Hall +1 510 643-6632 lieber@eecs Emeritus EE
Lin, Yiming 465 Soda Hall yiminglin@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Parameswaran, Aditya
Lindeman, David Sutardja Dai Hall dlindeman@eecs Staff CITRIS Spanos, Costas
Listgarten, Jennifer 387 Soda Hall jennl@eecs Faculty CS
Liu, Chunlei 574 Cory Hall chunlei.liu@eecs Faculty EE
Liu, Tsu-Jae 225 Cory Hall +1 510 643-9251 tking@eecs Faculty EE
Luo, Jianlan 387 Soda Hall jianlanluo@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Levine, Sergey
Luo, Steven 386 Cory Hall s_luo@eecs Staff EECS Chiu, Finsen
Lustig, Miki 506 Cory Hall mlustig@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Lutz, Kenneth 490 Cory Hall +1 510 643-4872 lutz@eecs Staff BWRC Rabaey, Jan
Ma, Yi 333D Cory Hall yima@eecs Professor in Residence EE
Maaskola, Jonas Stanley Hall jonas.maaskola@eecs Collaborator EECS Yosef, Nir
Maharbiz, Michel +1 510 227-0196 maharbiz@eecs Faculty EE
Mahoney, Michael 481 Soda Hall mmahoney@eecs Adjunct Professor STATS
Malik, Jitendra 389 Soda Hall +1 510 642-7597 malik@cs Faculty EE&CS
Mangelsdorf, Christopher BWRC mangelsdorf@eecs Visiting Scholar BWRC Nikolic, Borivoje
Marshall, Carol 349 Soda Hall carolm@cs Staff CS Kauer, Susanne
Martinez, Aleta 234 Jacobs Hall +1 510 664-7574 aleta@eecs Staff COE Keathley, Gwynne
Mason, Drew 126 Calvin Lab mason@EECS Staff EECS Sinclair, Alistair
Matsuoka, Dan 187M Cory Hall d.matsuoka@EECS Staff Other
McNally, Scott 253 Cory Hall +1 510 917-3511 mcnally@eecs Staff EE
McNicholas, Rob 321 Soda Hall +1 510 290-8403 robm@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Mees, Oier 8053 Berkeley Way West oier.mees@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Levine, Sergey
Merlo, Sabrina 210B Jacobs Hall smerlo@eecs Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Messerschmitt, David 558B Cory Hall +1 510 642-1090 messer@eecs Emeritus EE
Meyer, Robert +1 510 642-8026 rmeyer@eecs Emeritus EE
Mills, Jesse 377 Cory Hall jessem@eecs Staff EECS Law, Katherina
Min, Sewon 387 Soda Hall sewonm@eecs Faculty CS
Mishchenko, Alan 545F Cory Hall alanmi@eecs Staff EECS Mishchenko, Alan
Mitguard, Skyler 187 Cory Hall 5106438400 skyler@eecs Staff EECS Flounders, Albert
Mordatch, Igor 387 Soda Hall mordatch@eecs Lecturer CS
Morgan, Nelson 465 ICSI +1 510 666-2931 morgan@cs Professor in Residence EE
Muller, Richard +1 510 642-0614 muller@eecs Emeritus EE
Muller, Rikky 564 Cory Hall 5106427907 rikky@eecs Faculty EE
Myers, Christopher 141 Sutardja Dai Hall chrismyers@eecs Staff EECS Hartmann, Bjoern
Nehrdich, Sebastian nehrdich@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Keutzer, Kurt
Nelson, Jelani 633 Soda Hall minilek@eecs Faculty CS
Neureuther, Andrew 501 Cory Hall +1 510 642-4590 neureuth@eecs Emeritus EE
Ng, Ren 535 Soda Hall ren@EECS Faculty CS
Nguyen, Clark 516 Cory Hall +1 510 642-6251 ctnguyen@eecs Faculty EE
Nguyen, Michael 377 Cory Hall mnguy@eecs Staff EECS Law, Katherina
Niknejad, Ali 511 Cory Hall +1 510 642-0459 niknejad@eecs Faculty EE
Nikolic, Borivoje 509 Cory Hall +1 510 643-9297 bora@eecs Faculty EE
Norouzi, Narges 775 Soda Hall norouzi@eecs Faculty EECS
Nuzzo, Pierluigi 567 Cory Hall nuzzo@eecs Faculty EE
O'Brien, James 731 Soda Hall +1 510 642-0865 job@eecs Faculty CS
Oldham, Bill +1 510 642-2318 oldham@eecs Faculty EE
Ortega, Ivan 465A Soda Hall iaortega657@eecs Staff EECS Atchley, Kattt
Pahwa, Girish 550 Sutardja Dai Hall pahwa@eecs Staff EECS Salahuddin, Sayeef
Pampori, Ahtisham Ul Haq 550 Sutardja Dai Hall pampori@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Hu, Chenming
Papadimitriou, Christos 689 Soda Hall +1 510 642-1559 christos@cs Emeritus CS
Parameswaran, Aditya 787 Soda Hall adityagp@eecs Faculty CS
Parekh, Shyam 255M Cory Hall shyam@eecs Adjunct Professor EE
Park, Jung-Hun BWRC junghun_park@eecs Postdoctorate BWRC Chien, Jun-Chau
Parsell, Christopher Jacobs Hall cparsell@eecs Staff EECS Keathley, Gwynne
Paschall, Justin 465 Soda Hall jpaschall@eecs Staff EECS Patterson, David
Patterson, David +1 510 642-6587 pattrsn@cs Emeritus CS
Paulos, Eric 464 Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 843-2040 paulos@cs Faculty CS
Paxson, Vern 737 Soda Hall +1 510 643-4209 vern@cs Faculty CS
Perry, Katherine 231 Cory Hall katherineperry@eecs Staff EECS Rohrbough, Larry
Pertsch, Karl 8053 Berkeley Way West pertsch@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Levine, Sergey
Pierson, Emma 387 Soda Hall emmapierson@eecs Faculty CS
Pilawa-Podgurski, Robert 573 Cory Hall pilawa@eecs Faculty EE
Pister, Kristofer 512 Cory Hall +1 510 643-9268 pister@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Polak, Elijah 255M Cory Hall +1 510 642-2644 polak@eecs Emeritus EE
Ponnapalli, Soujanya 465 Soda Hall soujanya@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Crooks, Natacha
Popa, Raluca 387 Soda Hall raluca@eecs Faculty CS
Preetam, Shruti 377 Cory Hall shrutipreetam@eecs Staff EECS Law, Katherina
Qiao, Yifan 465 Soda Hall yifanqiao@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Stoica, Ion
Rabaey, Jan 563 Cory Hall +1 510 642-2328 jan@eecs Faculty EE
Raghavendra, Prasad 623 Soda Hall prasad@eecs Faculty CS
Rahmani, Elior erahmani@eecs Visiting Scholar EECS Yosef, Nir
Ramchandran, Kannan 257 Cory Hall +1 510 642-2353 kannanr@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Ranade, Gireeja 565 Cory Hall gireeja@eecs Faculty EE
Rao, Satish 687 Soda Hall +1 510 642-4328 satishr@cs Faculty CS
Rashid, Atiya 118 Calvin Lab 510-664-5238 arashid123@eecs Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Ratnasamy, Sylvia 413 Soda Hall +1 510 642-8905 sylvia@eecs Faculty CS
Ravnik, Katie 253 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6633 kravnik@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Raya, Lydia 349 Soda Hall +1 510 644-4436 lraya@EECS Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Recht, Benjamin 535 Soda Hall brecht@berkeley Faculty EECS
Richter, Jean 223 Cory Hall +1 510 205-4033 richter@eecs Staff EE Williamson, Josephine
Rogers, Tyshon 310C/234 Jacobs Hall n/a trogers@eecs Staff Other Keathley, Gwynne
Rohrbach, Lars 319 Soda Hall +1 510 642-6792 larsrohr@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Rojas, Jessica 369 Soda Hall +1 510 644-4674 jessicarojas@EECS Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Rostami, Behnoush 307 Cory Hall behnoush@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Anwar, Mekhail
Rowe, Lawrence +1 510 642-5117 larry@cs Emeritus CS
Roy, Arkadev arroy@eecs Postdoctorate BWRC Wu, Ming-Chiang
Roychowdhury, Jaijeet 545E Cory Hall +1 510 643-5664 jr@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Ruggiero, Chris 253 Cory Hall +1 510 642-2384 chrisjru@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Russell, Stuart 748 Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 642-4964 russell@cs Faculty CS
Rybkin, Oleh 8053 Berkeley Way West oleh@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Levine, Sergey
Sahai, Anant 267 Cory Hall +1 510 642-9719 sahai@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Salahuddin, Sayeef 515 Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 642-4662 sayeef@eecs Faculty EE
Sandall, Erik 110A Jacobs Hall 510-664-7566 eriksandall@eecs Staff EECS Gottbrath, Joseph
Sanders, Seth 558B Cory Hall +1 510 642-4425 sanders@eecs Emeritus EE
Sandoval, Alex 385 Soda Hall 2-0253 alexandersandoval@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Alberto 515 Cory Hall +1 510 642-4882 alberto@eecs Faculty EE
Santillan, Matthew 253 Cory Hall +1 510 643-4976 msantillan@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Sapp, Aniesha Sutardja Dai Hall aniesha@eecs Staff EECS
Sastry, Sosale 333C Cory Hall +1 510 642-1857 sastry@eecs Faculty EE
Scarlett, Savannah 379 Soda Hall savannahscarlett@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Schmidt, Alexander 556 Sutardja Dai Hall schmalex@eecs Staff EECS Salahuddin, Sayeef
Segovia Fernandez, Jeronimo 284 Cory Hall jeronimo.segovia@eecs Lecturer EE
Sen, Koushik 735 Soda Hall +1 510 642-2420 ksen@eecs Faculty CS
Sequin, Carlo 639 Soda Hall +1 510 642-5103 sequin@cs Emeritus CS
Seshia, Sanjit 566 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6968 sseshia@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Shana'a, Osama 253 Cory Hall osama.shanaa@eecs Adjunct Professor EE
Shao, Sophia 570 Cory Hall ysshao@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Shenker, Scott 415 Soda Hall +1 510 643-3043 shenker@eecs Faculty CS
Shewchuk, Jonathan 529 Soda Hall +1 510 642-3936 jrs@cs Faculty CS
Shu, Janet 325 Soda Hall +1 510 643-5112 janetshu@eecs Staff EECS Fraser, Eric
Sillers, Audrey 203 Cory Hall +1 510 664-7181 araya@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Silva, Thomas 231 Cory Hall 2-7699 thomassilva@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Simon, Krystle 315 Soda Hall krystle@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Sinclair, Alistair 677 Soda Hall +1 510 643-8144 sinclair@cs Faculty CS
Sipahigil, Alp 572 Cory Hall alp@eecs Faculty EECS
Skenderi, Lira 121 Calvin Lab lira@eecs Staff EECS
Smith, Alan 192 Soda Hall +1 510 642-5290 smith@eecs Faculty CS
Smithson, Judy 217 Cory Hall jsmithson@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Sojoudi, Somayeh sojoudi@eecs Professor in Residence EE
Solt, Flavien 527 Soda Hall flavien.solt@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Fletcher, Christopher
Song, Dawn 675 Soda Hall +1 510 642-8282 dawnsong@cs Faculty CS
Song, Yun 304B Stanley Hall +1 510 642-2351 yss@eecs Faculty CS
Spanos, Costas 510 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6776 spanos@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Speers, Ruben 266 SDH Unknown rubenspeers@eecs Staff Other
Sreenath, Koushil koushils@eecs Professor in Residence MECH
Stoica, Ion 449 Soda Hall +1 510 643-4007 istoica@eecs Faculty CS
Stojanovic, Vladimir 558D Cory Hall +1 510 664-4322 vlada@eecs Faculty EE
Suhr, Alane 387 Soda Hall suhr@eecs Faculty CS
Sun, Michael 205 Cory Hall +1 510 643-8107 msun86@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Sun, Tiffany 253 Cory Hall tiffanysun1@eecs Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Swearer, Howard Jacobs Hall rswearer@eecs Lecturer EECS
Tal, Avishay 635 Soda Hall atal@eecs Faculty CS
Tallam, Krti ktallam@eecs Postdoctorate ICSI Mahoney, Michael
Tennant, Jean-Paul 263 Cory Hall jptennant@eecs Lecturer EECS
Thao, Karla 253 Cory Hall kthao012@EECS Staff EECS Williamson, Josephine
Tikhomirov, Grigory 568 Cory Hall gt3@eecs Faculty EECS
Tomlin, Claire 225 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6610 tomlin@eecs Chair EE&CS
Touhami, Mustapha 406 Cory Hall mustapha@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Boles, Jessica
Turner, Tracy 454 Sutardja Dai Hall tallen@eecs Staff BECI Wright, Paul
Vazirani, Umesh 671 Soda Hall +1 510 642-0572 vazirani@cs Faculty CS
Vladimirescu, Andrei 550 Cory Hall andrei@eecs Visiting Faculty EE
Wagner, Allon 387 Soda Hall allonwag@eecs Faculty CS
Wagner, David 389 Soda Hall +1 510 642-2758 daw@cs Faculty CS
Waller, Laura 514 Cory Hall +1 510 642-2753 waller@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Walrand, Jean +1 510 642-1529 wlr@eecs Faculty EE&CS
Wan, Chenxi vvcvv@eecs Visiting Researcher EECS Fletcher, Christopher
Wawrzynek, John 631 Soda Hall +1 510 643-9434 johnw@cs Faculty EE&CS
Weber, Christy cweber@eecs Staff Other
Werthimer, Dan BWRC danw@eecs Staff BWRC Werthimer, Dan
Williamson, Josephine 383 Soda Hall +1 510 502-5359 youngran@eecs Staff EECS
Willsey, Max 725 Soda Hall mwillsey@eecs Faculty CS
Wong, Eugene 269M Cory Hall +1 510 642-8458 wong@eecs Emeritus EE
Wong, Ming 377 Cory Hall +1 510 643-2954 ming@eecs Staff EECS Law, Katherina
Wright, John 683 Soda Hall jswright@eecs Faculty CS
Wright, Paul 456 Sutardja Dai Hall pwright@eecs Faculty BWRC
Wu, Felix 269M Cory Hall +1 510 642-9455 ffwu@eecs Emeritus EE
Wu, Ming-Chiang 621D Sutardja Dai Hall +1 510 643-0808 wu@eecs Faculty EE
Wu, Xiaoman 377 Cory Hall xmw@eecs Staff EECS Law, Katherina
Wu, Yongji 465 Soda Hall yongji.wu@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Stoica, Ion
Xing, Jiarong 465 Soda Hall jrxing@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Stoica, Ion
Xu, Yi 465 Soda Hall y4xu@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Stoica, Ion
Yablonovitch, Eli 267M Cory Hall eliy@eecs Faculty EE
Yamasaki, Naomi 387 Soda Hall +1 510 710-8488 naomiy@eecs Staff EECS Jordan, Michael
Yan, Lisa 783 Soda Hall yanlisa@eecs Faculty CS
Yang, Allen 333B Cory Hall yang@eecs Lecturer CS
Yang, Shuyi 465 Soda Hall yshuyi@eecs Visiting Scholar EECS Popa, Raluca
Yang, Yaoqing yyaoqing@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Mahoney, Michael
Yeh, Annie Sutardja Dai Hall annieyeh@eecs Staff CITRIS Turner, Tracy
Yelick, Katherine 771 Soda Hall +1 510 642-8900 yelick@cs Faculty CS
Yin, Liangsheng 465 Soda Hall lsyin@eecs Visiting Scholar EECS Stoica, Ion
Yokota, Justin 387 Soda Hall jyokota@eecs Lecturer EE&CS
Yosef, Nir 629 Soda Hall niryosef@eecs Faculty CS
You, Kaichao 465 Soda Hall youkaichao@eecs Visiting Researcher EECS Stoica, Ion
Young, Carson 118 Calvin Lab carsonfoxyoung@eecs Staff EECS Mason, Drew
Yu, Mengjie 508 Cory Hall mengjie.yu@eecs Faculty EE
Yu, Stella Soda Hall +1 510 642-4979 stellayu@eecs Visiting Faculty CS
Zaharia, Matei matei@eecs Faculty CS
Zakhor, Avideh 507 Cory Hall +1 510 643-6777 avz@eecs Faculty EE
Zeighami, Sepanta 465 Soda Hall zeighami@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Parameswaran, Aditya
Zhang, Chen 465 Soda Hall zhang-chen@eecs Visiting Graduate Student EECS Stoica, Ion
Zhang, Tianlun 307 Cory Hall tianlun_zhang@eecs Staff EECS Sastry, Sosale
Zheng, Wenzhao wzzheng@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Keutzer, Kurt
Zhou, Yang 465 Soda Hall yangzhou.rpc@eecs Postdoctorate EECS Stoica, Ion
Zhu, Shizhan 307 Cory Hall shizhan_zhu@eecs Postdoctorate CS Darrell, Trevor

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