CS 168. Introduction to the Internet: Architecture and Protocols
Catalog Description: This course is an introduction to the Internet architecture. We will focus on the concepts and fundamental design principles that have contributed to the Internet's scalability and robustness and survey the various protocols and algorithms used within this architecture. Topics include layering, addressing, intradomain routing, interdomain routing, reliable delivery, congestion control, and the core protocols (e.g., TCP, UDP, IP, DNS, and HTTP) and network technologies (e.g., Ethernet, wireless).
Units: 4
Prerequisites: COMPSCI 61B; COMPSCI 61C is recommended.
Summer: 6.0 hours of lecture and 2.0 hours of discussion per week
Spring: 3.0 hours of lecture and 1.0 hours of discussion per week
Fall: 3.0 hours of lecture and 1.0 hours of discussion per week
Grading Basis: letter
Final Exam Status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period
Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
CS 168 – MoWe 18:30-19:59, Dwinelle 155 –
Peyrin Kao, Sylvia Ratnasamy