Catalog Description: Ideas and techniques underlying the design of intelligent computer systems. Topics include search, game playing, knowledge representation, inference, planning, reasoning under uncertainty, machine learning, robotics, perception, and language understanding.

Units: 4

Related Areas:

Prerequisites: COMPSCI 61A, COMPSCI 61B, and COMPSCI 70.

Summer: 6.0-6.0 hours of lecture and 2.0-3.0 hours of discussion per week
Fall: 3.0-3.0 hours of lecture and 1.0-1.5 hours of discussion per week
Spring: 3.0-3.0 hours of lecture and 1.0-1.5 hours of discussion per week

Grading Basis: letter

Final Exam Status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period

Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
CS 188 – TuTh 12:30-13:59, Dwinelle 155 – John F Canny, Oliver Grillmeyer

Class Notes
* Time conflicts ARE allowed.

* The lecture WILL be recorded for playback later.

* One in-person alternate final exam will be offered immediately after the scheduled final exam time.

* Limited seats have been set aside for Data Science majors.

* Questions? Email

Class Schedule (Fall 2025):
CS 188 – TuTh 17:00-18:29, Wheeler 150 –

Class Notes
* Time conflicts ARE allowed.

* Lecture will be recorded for playback later.

* Please email if you have any questions about policies for this class.

Class homepage on inst.eecs
