CS 47C. Completion of Work in Computer Science 61C
Catalog Description: MIPS instruction set simulation. The assembly and linking process. Caches and virtual memory. Pipelined computer organization. Students with sufficient partial credit in 61C may, with consent of instructor, complete the credit in this self-paced course.
Units: 1
Prerequisites: Experience with assembly language including writing an interrupt handler, COMPSCI 9C, and consent of instructor.
Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for COMPSCI 47C after completing COMPSCI 61C, or COMPSCI 61CL.
Fall: 0.0 hours of self-paced per week
Spring: 0.0 hours of self-paced per week
Grading Basis: letter
Final Exam Status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period
Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
CS 47C –Lisa Yan