CS 9G. JAVA for Programmers
Catalog Description: Self-paced course in Java for students who already know how to program. Applets; variables and computation; events and flow of control; classes and objects; inheritance; GUI elements; applications; arrays, strings, files, and linked structures; exceptions; threads.
Units: 2
Prerequisites: COMPSCI 9C, COMPSCI 9F, or COMPSCI 61A plus experience with object-oriented programming or C-based language.
Fall: 2 hours of self-paced per week
Spring: 2 hours of self-paced per week
Grading basis: passFail
Final exam status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period
Department Notes:
Course objectives: Students will learn constructs of the Java programming language, along with built-in facilities to create graphical user interfaces. In the process of learning the language, they will be applying knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering. As many of their projects require a fair bit of software engineering, they will also be making design decisions (algorithm, data structure, time-vs-space, etc) and considering various implementation trade-offs.
Topics covered:
- Applets
- Variables and computation
- Events flow of control
- Details about Java looping and testing constructs
- Paint, repaint, init, and HandleEvent methods of applets
- Classes and objects
- Inheritance
- Interfaces
- Details of defining classes and interfaces and using objects
- Public vs. private methods
- Static methods and data
- Arrays
- Strings
- Linked structures
- Files
- Exceptions
- Applications
- Threads