Catalog Description: Review of static electric and magnetic fields and applications; Maxwell's equations; transmission lines; propagation and reflection of plane waves; introduction to guided waves, microwave networks, and radiation and antennas. Minilabs on statics, transmission lines, and waves. Explanation of cellphone antennas, WiFi communication, and other wireless technologies.

Units: 4

Prerequisites: EECS 16B, MATH 53, and MATH 54; PHYSICS 7B or equivalent that covers AC circuits and electromagnetics up to Maxwell's equations.

Spring: 3.0 hours of lecture, 1.0 hours of discussion, and 2.0 hours of laboratory per week
Fall: 3.0 hours of lecture, 1.0 hours of discussion, and 2.0 hours of laboratory per week

Grading basis: letter

Final exam status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period

Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
EE 117 – TuTh 09:30-10:59, Cory 521 – Boubacar Kante

Class homepage on inst.eecs

Department Notes:

Course objectives: To provide the basic skills required to understand, develop, and design various engineering applications involving electromagnetic fields. To lay the foundations of electromagnetism and its practice in modern communications such as wireless, guided wave principles such as fiber optics and electronic electromagnetic structures including those on the sub-micron scale. To provide basic laboratory exposure to electromagnetic principles and applications.

Topics Covered (Course Outline)

A series of laboratory exercises is used to provide a hands-on illustration of many of the class topics.

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