Catalog Description: Discrete time signals and systems: Fourier and Z transforms, DFT, 2-dimensional versions. Digital signal processing topics: flow graphs, realizations, FFT, chirp-Z algorithms, Hilbert transform relations, quantization effects, linear prediction. Digital filter design methods: windowing, frequency sampling, S-to-Z methods, frequency-transformation methods, optimization methods, 2-dimensional filter design.

Units: 4

Related Areas:

Prerequisites: EL ENG 120

Fall: 3 hours of lecture, 1 hour of discussion, and 1 hour of laboratory per week
Spring: 3 hours of lecture, 1 hour of discussion, and 1 hour of laboratory per week

Grading Basis: letter

Final Exam Status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period

Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
EE 123 – TuTh 12:30-13:59, Etcheverry 3106 – Gopala Krishna Anumanchipalli

Class homepage on inst.eecs
