Catalog Description: The modeling, analysis, and optimization of complex systems requires a range of algorithms and design software. This course reviews the fundamental techniques underlying the design methodology for complex systems, using integrated circuit design as example. Topics include design flows, discrete and continuous models and algorithms, and strategies for implementing algorithms efficiently and correctly in software. Laboratory assignments and a class project will expose students to state-of-the-art tools.

Units: 4

Prerequisites: EECS 16A and COMPSCI 70, or consent of instructor.

Spring: 4.0 hours of lecture per week
Fall: 4.0 hours of lecture per week

Grading Basis: letter

Final Exam Status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period

Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
EE 144/244 – MoWe 09:30-10:59, Cory 540AB – Alberto Luigi Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Pierluigi Nuzzo

Class homepage on inst.eecs
