EECS 127. Optimization Models in Engineering
Catalog Description: This course offers an introduction to optimization models and their applications, ranging from machine learning and statistics to decision-making and control, with emphasis on numerically tractable problems, such as linear or constrained least-squares optimization.
Units: 4
Related Areas:
Prerequisites: EECS 16A and EECS 16B, or consent of instructor.
Credit Restrictions: Students will receive no credit for EECS 127 after taking EECS 227AT or Electrical Engineering 127/227AT.
Fall: 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week
Spring: 3 hours of lecture and 1 hour of discussion per week
Grading Basis: letter
Final Exam Status: Written final exam conducted during the scheduled final exam period
Class Schedule (Spring 2025):
EECS 127/227AT – TuTh 12:30-13:59, Lewis 100 –
Thomas A Courtade
Class Notes
Phase 1 and 2 seats are open to EECS, CS, and non-EECS COE majors. Remaining seats open during the adjustment period. NO TIME CONFLICTS WITH LECTURE *To enroll in this class, select the lecture and the 999 (placeholder) discussion section. Assignment to the actual sections will be managed by teaching staff.* **Enrollment Permission seats are reserved for internal programs and are not open. Please DO NOT email the instructor or scheduling to request a seat**
Class Schedule (Fall 2025):
EECS 127/227AT – TuTh 09:30-10:59, Stanley 105 –
Somayeh Sojoudi
Class Notes
Phase 1 and 2 seats are open to EECS, CS, and non-EECS COE majors. Remaining seats open during the adjustment period. *To enroll in this class, select the lecture and the 999 (placeholder) discussion section. Assignment to the actual sections will be managed by teaching staff.* **Enrollment Permission seats are reserved for internal programs and are not open. Please DO NOT email the instructor or scheduling to request a seat**