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Dr. Muhammad Mustafa Hussain (PhD, ECE, UT Austin, Dec 2005) is a Professor of Electrical Engineering, KAUST (since Fall 2009) and an incoming Adjunct Professor of EECS, UC Berkeley (from Spring 2021). He was Program Manager in SEMATECH (2008-2009) and Process Integration Lead for 22 nm node FinFET CMOS in Texas Instruments (2006-2008). His research is focused on futuristic electronics which has received support from DARPA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, GSK-Novartis, Saudi ARAMCO and SABIC. He has authored 450+ research papers and patents. He is a Fellow of IEEE, American Physical Society and Institute of Physics (UK), a distinguished lecturer of IEEE Electron Devices Society, and an Editor of IEEE T-ED. His research has been extensively highlighted by international media (CNN, Fox News, Washington Post, WSJ, National Geographic, Forbes, IEEE Spectrum, etc.) including being featured by Scientific American as one of the top 10 world changing ideas in 2014. He has received 47 international awards including Best Innovation Award, CES 2020, Edison Award 2020, Texas Exes Outstanding Young Alumni Award 2015, IEEE R5 Outstanding Individual Achievement Award 2016, DOW Sustainability Challenge Award 2012, Applied Physics Letters Best Featured Articles 2015, 2019, 2020, etc.