Jiantao Jiao
Research Areas
- Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Information, Data, Network, and Communication Sciences (IDNCS)
- Control, Intelligent Systems, and Robotics (CIR)
- Theory (THY)
- Signal Processing (SP)
- Operating Systems & Networking (OSNT)
- Database Management Systems (DBMS)
- Cyber-Physical Systems and Design Automation (CPSDA)
- Security (SEC)
- Power and Energy (ENE)
- Programming Systems (PS)
Research Centers
- Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Lab (BAIR)
- Berkeley Center for Responsible, Decentralized Intelligence (RDI) (RDI)
- Berkeley Laboratory for Information and System Sciences (BLISS)
- Center for the Theoretical Foundations of Learning, Inference, Information, Intelligence, Mathematics and Microeconomics at Berkeley (CLIMB)
- Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing (SITC)
- 2018, Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, Stanford University