Ph.D. Dissertations - Arthur R. Bergen
Singular Perturbation Methods in Power System Transient Stability and Dynamic Security Analysis
Christopher L. DeMarco [1985]
Transient Stability of Multimachine Power Systems
George Gross [1974]
Instability Analysis of Feedback Systems
Shoichi Takeda [1972]
Instability of Nonlinear Infinite Dimensional Feedback Systems Using Lyapunov Functionals
Thomas L. Steding [1971]
Justification of the Describing Function Method
Richard L. Franks [1970]
Input-Output Stability of Continuous and Discrete Time Nonlinear Control Systems
Ralph P. Iwens [1967]
Stability of Nonlinear and Time-Varying Control Systems
Richard A. Baker [1967]
Stability of Time-Varying Feedback Systems
Andre J. Rault [1966]
Optimal control with Random Inputs
Huibert Kwakernaak [1963]
The Determination of Lyapunov Functions Which Verify Aizerman's Conjecture
Ivan J. Williams [1963]
On the Stability of Randomly Varying Systems
Behram H. Bharucha [1961]