Ph.D. Dissertations - Satish Rao
Geometry-Inspired Sampling Algorithms and Random Graphs
Elizabeth Yang [2023]
Improved Algorithms and Upper Bounds in Differential Privacy
Arun Ganesh [2022]
Concentration and Sequential Decision Making in Markovian Environments
Vrettos Moulos [2020]
Faster Algorithms and Graph Structure via Gaussian Elimination
Aaron Schild [2019]
Fast Approximation Algorithms for Positive Linear Programs
Di Wang [2017]
Random Matrices and the Sum-of-Squares Hierarchy
Tselil Schramm [2017]
Data-efficient De novo Genome Assembly Algorithm : Theory and Practice
Ka Kit Lam [2016]
New Approaches to the Asymmetric Traveling Salesman and Related Problems
Nima AhmadiPourAnari [2015]
From the Telegraph to Twitter Group Chats
James Cook [2014]
Graph Algorithms in the Internet Age
Isabelle Stanton [2012]
Fast Approximation Algorithms for Graph Partitioning using Spectral and Semidefinite-Programming Techniques
Lorenzo Orecchia [2011]
A Minimum Spanning Tree Framework for Inferring Phylogenies
Daniel Giannico Adkins [2010]
Internet Routing and Internet Service Provision
Henry Lin [2009]
Learning Mixtures of Distributions
Kamalika Chaudhuri [2007]
Three Variations on the Theme of Comparative Genomics: Metagenomics, Mitochondrial Gene Rearrangements and MicroRNAs
Kevin C. Chen [2005]
Finding Nearby Objects in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Kirsten W. Hildrum [2004]
Metric Methods in Approximation Algorithms
Kunal Talwar [2004]
New Approximation Algorithms and Structural Results for Oblivious Multicommodity Flow and Zero-Extension
Chris R. Harrelson [2004]
Algorithms for Planar Graphs
Jittat Fakcharoenphol [2003]