Ph.D. Dissertations - John R. Whinnery
Selectively Masked MBE Regrowth, Interdigitated Contacted Superlattice Optical Modulators and Three-Terminal Ballistic Electron Transistor
Xin Xin Wu [1993]
Study of Phase-Locked Diode Laser Array and DFB/DBR Surface Emitting Laser Diode
Wei Hsin [1990]
Short Pulse Generation and Semiconductor Laser Dynamics
Homayoon Ansari [1988]
Electrically Tunable Optical Emitters Using Doping Superlattices
Ghulam Hasnain [1987]
High Power Performance and Modulation of Semiconductor Lasers
Constance J.-H. Chang-Hasnain [1987]
Studies of Phase-Locked Semiconductor Laser Arrays
Yihjye Twu [1985]
Study of Linear and Ring Configurations for the Passive Mode-Locking of Dye Lasers
Gnanalingam Arjavalingam [1983]
Four-Wave Mixing in Dyes
John A. Buck [1982]
Double Mode-Locking of the CW Dye Laser
Etan Bourkoff [1979]
Characteristics of Metal-Oxide-Metal Devices
Mordehai Heiblum [1978]
Nematic and Cholesteric Liquid Crystal Devices for Integrated Optics
Young S. Kwon [1977]
Thin-Film Metal-Oxide-Metal Junction Devices
Shih Yuan Wang [1977]
A Study of Fast Transient Processes in Nitrogen-Laser-Pumped Dye Lasers
Leonard W. Braverman [1975]
Dye Laser Mechanisms
Omar Teschke [1975]
Study of Curved Surface Waveguides
Sang K. Sheem [1975]
Laser Generated Thermo-Acoustic Interactions in Liquids
Youssef Kohanzadeh [1973]
Nematic Liquid Crystal Optical Waveguides
Chenming Hu [1973]
Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Piezoelectric Semiconductors
Roderick E. Thorne [1973]
Tuning of a Thin-Film Dye Laser with an Acousto-Optic Filter
Suachun Chang [1973]
The Kinetics of High Pressure Carbon-Dioxide Lasers
Thomas A. DeTemple [1972]
Optical Studies of Acoustic Surface Wave Discontinuities
Ronald V. Schmidt [1971]
Radiation Trapping Processes in the Pulsed Ion Laser
Marvin B. Klein [1969]
Thermal Interaction of Laser Beams with Low Absorbing Materials
Franklin W. Dabby [1969]
Diffraction of Light by Acoustic Surface Waves
Erich P. Ippen [1968]
Mode Switching for Applications to Transmission of Information
Gay W. Hong [1968]
Pumping of Helium-Neon Laser Lines with a Microwave Discharge
William M. Clark, Jr. [1968]
Noise Transport in the Crossed-Field Electron Stream
Martin A. Pollack [1963]
Noise in Crossed-Field Electron Beams
Theodore Van Duzer [1961]
Noise in Backward-Wave Amplifiers
Howard R. Jory [1960]
Traveling-Wave Tube Large-Signal Theory, with Application to Amplifiers Having DC Voltage Tapered with Distance
Robert L. Hess [1960]
A Study of Space-Charge Wave Propagation in Periodic Electron Beams
Armand Staprans [1959]
Analysis and Experimental Study of a Microwave Re-Entrant Beam Tube
Glenn A. Gray [1959]
Direct-Current and Wave Behavior of Electrostatically Focused Electron Beams
William M. Mueller [1958]
The Study of Several Space Harmonics in Cascade Traveling-Wave Tubes
Wilbur H. Watson [1957]
Modulation and Demodulation of an Electron Stream by Backward-Wave Interaction
Malcolm R. Currie [1954]
Tube Noise under Large Transit-Time Conditions
Sriramamurti V. Yadavalli [1953]