E. Hariyoshi, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Control with actuation anticipation," in 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016, pp. 5617--5622.
G. Ranade and A. Sahai, "Control with side information," in 2016 Indian Control Conference (ICC), 2016, pp. 405--411.
E. Hariyoshi, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Vector control systems with unpredictable actuation," in 2015 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2015, pp. 1316--1322.
G. Ranade and A. Sahai, "Control capacity," in Information Theory (ISIT), 2015 IEEE International Symposium on, 2015, pp. 2221-2225.
G. Ramnarayan, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Side-information in control and estimation," in Information Theory (ISIT), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on, 2014, pp. 171-175.
G. Ranade and A. Sahai, "Non-coherence in estimation and control," in Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on, 2013, pp. 189-196.
K. A. Woyach, K. Harrison, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Comments on unknown channels," in Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2012 IEEE, 2012, pp. 172-176.
S. Y. Park, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Carry-free models and beyond," in Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 2012, pp. 1927 -1931.