A. Sahai, M. Mishra, and R. Tandra, "Spectrum Sensing: Fundamental Limits," in Cognitive Radios: System Design Perspective, R. W. Brodersen and D. Cabric, Eds., Springer, 2009.
S. Mitter and A. Sahai, "Information and control: Witsenhausen revisited," in Learning, Control and Hybrid Systems, Y. Yamamoto and S. Hara, Eds., Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 241, Springer-Verlag, 1999, pp. 281--293.
Articles in journals or magazines
V. Muthukumar, S. Phade, and A. Sahai, "On the Impossibility of Convergence of Mixed Strategies with Optimal No-Regret Learning," Mathematics of Operations Research, Nov. 2024.
V. Muthukumar, K. {Vodrahalli}, V. {Subramanian}, and A. Sahai, "Harmless Interpolation of Noisy Data in Regression," IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Information Theory, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 67-83, May 2020.
J. Song, B. {Peng}, C. {Häger}, H. {Wymeersch}, and A. Sahai, "Learning Physical-Layer Communication With Quantized Feedback," IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 68, no. 1, pp. 645-653, Nov. 2019.
G. Ranade and A. Sahai, "Control Capacity," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 65, no. 1, pp. 235-254, Jan. 2019.
M. Agarwal, S. Mitter, and A. Sahai, "Layered black-box, behavioral interconnection perspective and applications to problems in communications, Part II: stationary sources satisfying $$\backslash$psi $-mixing criterion," Communications in Information and Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 219--247, March 2018.
M. Agarwal, S. Mitter, and A. Sahai, "Layered black-box, behavioral interconnection perspective and applications to problems in communications, Part I: iid sources," Communications in Information and Systems, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 193--217, March 2018.
A. Sahai, M. Mishra, R. Tandra, and K. A. Woyach, "Cognitive Radios for Spectrum Sharing," IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 140-146, Jan. 2009.
S. Draper and A. Sahai, "Variable-length channel coding with noisy feedback," European Transactions on Telecommunications: Special Issue on New Directions in Information Theory, vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 355 - 370, June 2008.
N. Agarwal, J. Basch, P. Beckmann, P. Bharti, S. Bloebaum, S. Casadei, A. Chou, P. Enge, W. Fong, N. Hathi, W. Mann, A. Sahai, J. Stone, J. Tsitsiklis, and B. Van Roy, "Algorithms for GPS Operation Indoors and Downtown," GPS Solutions, vol. 6, no. 3, pp. 149-160, Dec. 2002.
K. Doke, A. Abedi, M. Hollingsworth, M. Zheleva, A. Sahai, D. Grunwald, and K. Gremban, "Towards data-driven policies in spectrum management," in 2024 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2024, pp. 163--168.
A. Sahai, J. Sanz, V. Subramanian, C. Tran, and K. Vodrahalli, "Learning to Communicate with Limited Co-design," in 2019 57th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2019, pp. 184-191.
V. Narasimha Swamy, N. Naderializadeh, V. N. Ekambaram, S. Talwar, and A. Sahai, "Monitoring Under-Modeled Rare Events for URLLC," in 2019 IEEE 20th International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC), 2019, pp. 1-5.
V. Muthukumar and A. Sahai, "Robust Commitments and Partial Reputation," in Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Economics and Computation, 2019, pp. 637--638.
G. Recktenwald, A. Godwin, A. Sahai, and M. West, "A Corporate Organizational Model for Scaling Class Size," in Proceedings of the American Society for Engineering Education’s Annual Conference and Exposition, 2018.
E. Hariyoshi, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Control with actuation anticipation," in 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016, pp. 5617--5622.
G. Ranade and A. Sahai, "Control with side information," in 2016 Indian Control Conference (ICC), 2016, pp. 405--411.
E. Hariyoshi, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Vector control systems with unpredictable actuation," in 2015 53rd Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2015, pp. 1316--1322.
G. Ramnarayan, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Side-information in control and estimation," in Information Theory (ISIT), 2014 IEEE International Symposium on, 2014, pp. 171-175.
S. Hasan, K. Heimerl, K. Harrison, K. Ali, A. Sahai, and E. Brewer, "GSM whitespaces: An opportunity for rural cellular service," in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DYSPAN), 2014.
G. Ranade and A. Sahai, "Non-coherence in estimation and control," in Communication, Control, and Computing (Allerton), 2013 51st Annual Allerton Conference on, 2013, pp. 189-196.
K. A. Woyach, K. Harrison, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Comments on unknown channels," in Information Theory Workshop (ITW), 2012 IEEE, 2012, pp. 172-176.
S. Y. Park, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "Carry-free models and beyond," in Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2012 IEEE International Symposium on, 2012, pp. 1927 -1931.
L. Varshney, P. Grover, and A. Sahai, "Securing inductively-coupled communication," in Proceedings of the 2012 Information Theory and Applications Workshop, 2012, pp. 47-53.
S. Y. Park and A. Sahai, "An algebraic mincut-maxflow theorem," in Information Theory Proceedings (ISIT), 2011 IEEE International Symposium on, 2011, pp. 608 -612.
K. A. Woyach and A. Sahai, "Why the caged cognitive radio sings," in New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySPAN), 2011 IEEE Symposium on, 2011, pp. 431 -442.
P. Grover, K. A. Woyach, H. Palaiyanur, and A. Sahai, "An interference-aware perspective on decoding power," in Turbo Codes and Iterative Information Processing (ISTC), 2010 6th International Symposium on, 2010, pp. 457 -461.
R. Tandra, A. Sahai, and V. Veeravalli, "Space-Time Metrics for Spectrum Sensing," in New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum, 2010 IEEE Symposium on, 2010, pp. 1 -12.
H. Palaiyanur, K. A. Woyach, R. Tandra, and A. Sahai, "Spectrum Zoning as Robust Optimization," in New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum, 2010 IEEE Symposium on, 2010, pp. 1 -12.
K. Harrison, S. M. Mishra, and A. Sahai, "How Much White-Space Capacity Is There?," in New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum, 2010 IEEE Symposium on, 2010, pp. 1 -10.
A. Sahai, K. A. Woyach, K. Harrison, H. R. Palaiyanur, and R. Tandra, "Towards ``A Theory of Spectrum Zoning''," in Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Control, Communications, and Computation, 2009.
P. Venkitasubramaniam and A. Sahai, "Incentivizing anonymous `peer-to-peer' reviews," in Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2008.
K. A. Woyach, A. Sahai, G. Atia, and V. Saligrama, "Crime and Punishment for Cognitive Radios," in Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, 2008.
H. Palaiyanur, C. Chang, and A. Sahai, "Lossy compression of active sources," in Proceedings of the 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2008, pp. 1977-1981.
A. Sahai and S. Draper, "The `hallucination' bound for the BSC," in Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, IEEE, 2008, pp. 717-721.
M. Mishra, R. Tandra, and A. Sahai, "The Case for Multiband Sensing," in Proceedings of the 45th Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communication, and Computation, 2007.
M. Mishra, R. Tandra, and A. Sahai, "Coexistence with Primary Users of Different Scales," in Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, IEEE, 2007, pp. 158-167.
S. Draper and A. Sahai, "Universal Anytime Coding," in Proceedings of the International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks and Workshops: Workshop on Control over Communication Channels, 2007, pp. 1-5.
R. Tandra and A. Sahai, "SNR Walls for feature detectors," in Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks, IEEE, 2007, pp. 559-570.
A. Sahai, M. Mishra, R. Tandra, and N. K. Hoven, "Sensing for communication: the case of cognitive radio," in Proceedings of the 44th Annual Allerton Conference on Control, Communications, and Computation, 2006, pp. 1035-1037.
S. Draper and A. Sahai, "Beating Burnashev in delay with noisy feedback," in Proc. 44th Annual Allerton Conf. on Communication, Control, and Computing, Urbana, IL: University of Illinois, 2006, pp. 421-430.
A. Sahai, R. Tandra, M. Mishra, and N. Hoven, "Fundamental design tradeoffs in cognitive radio systems," in Proceedings of the first international workshop on Technology and policy for accessing spectrum, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, Vol. 222, ACM, 2006.
S. M. Mishra, A. Sahai, and R. W. Brodersen, "Cooperative sensing among cognitive radios," in Proc. IEEE 2006 Intl. Conf. on Communications (ICC '06), Vol. 4, Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press, 2006, pp. 1658-1663.
N. Hoven and A. Sahai, "Power scaling for cognitive radio," in 2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing: Symposium on Emerging Networks, Technologies and Standards, Vol. 1, 2005, pp. 250 - 255.
C. Chang and A. Sahai, "Object Tracking in a 2D UWB Sensor Network," in Conference Record of the Thirty-Eighth Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2004, pp. 1252 - 125.
C. Chang and A. Sahai, "Estimation bounds for localization," in Proceedings of the First Annual IEEE Communications Society Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, 2004, pp. 415--424.
A. Sahai, N. Hoven, and R. Tandra, "Some fundamental limits on cognitive radio," in Proceedings of the Allerton Conference on Control, Communications, and Computation, 2004, pp. 1662-1671.
A. Sahai, "Any-time Capacity and A Separation Theorem For Tracking Unstable Processes," in Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 2000, pp. 500.
S. Hasan, K. Heimerl, K. Harrison, K. Ali, S. Roberts, A. Sahai, and E. Brewer, "GSM Whitespaces: An Opportunity for Rural Cellular Service," EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley, Tech. Rep. UCB/EECS-2013-198, Dec. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Harmless interpolation in learning," presented at CISE Seminar, Sep. 2019.
A. Sahai, "Harmless interpolation in learning," presented at LIDS Seminar, Sep. 2019.
A. Sahai, "Harmless interpolation in learning," presented at Information Theory Workshop Plenary, Visby, Sweden, Aug. 2019.
A. Sahai and V. Muthukumar, "Harmless interpolation and overparameterization," presented at Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2019.
A. Sahai, "Machine learning meets signaling and control," presented at Systems and Control Diamond Jubilee Workshop on ``Current Trends and Future Directions in Control'', Mumbai, India, Jan. 2019.
A. Sahai, "Machine Learning for Wireless Communication," presented at Deutche Telekom Innovation Forum, Bonn, Germany, Dec. 2018.
A. Sahai, "Machine Learning for Wireless Communication," presented at Huawei University Day, Chicago, IL, Aug. 2018.
A. Sahai and V. Muthukumar, "Online model selection for sequential prediction," presented at Information Theory and Applications Workshop, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2018.
A. Sahai, "Ultrareliable low-latency wireless communication inspired by industrial control over wireless," July 2017.
A. Sahai, "AI Techniques meet Wireless Communication," presented at Huawei Technology Conference, Shenzen, China, May 2017.
A. Sahai, "Ultrareliable low-latency wireless communication inspired by industrial control over wireless," Hong Kong, May 2017.
A. Sahai and V. Muthukumar, "Spectrum enforcement games and the gap between Stackelberg and simultaneous-play equilibria," presented at Information Theory and Applications, La Jolla, CA, Feb. 2017.
E. Hariyoshi, G. Ranade, and A. Sahai, "When causality matters," presented at Information Theory and Applications, La Jolla, Feb. 2016.
A. Sahai, "Control and Information," presented at ECE Colloquium, UIUC, Nov. 2015.
A. Sahai, "Research and Beyond," presented at IEEE DySpAN PhD Forum, Oct. 2015.
A. Sahai, "Control Information," presented at Information Theory Forum, Stanford, April 2015.
A. Sahai, "A cooperative communication protocol to support control over wireless," presented at Information Theory and Applications, La Jolla, Feb. 2015.
A. Sahai, "Design of identity codes," presented at Banff Workshop on the Mathematics of Communications: Sequences, Codes, and Designs, Banff, Canada, Jan. 2015.
A. Sahai, "Wireless meets control: A practical and theoretical perspective," presented at UNM Graduate Seminar, Nov. 2014.
A. Sahai, "Information theory meets control," presented at Communications, Networks and Systems [CommNetS] Seminar, USC, Nov. 2014.
A. Sahai, "Information theory and decentralized control," presented at Banff Workshop on Optimal Cooperation, Communication, and Learning in Decentralized Systems, Banff, Canada, Oct. 2014.
A. Sahai, "Wireless meets control: a practical and theoretical perspective," presented at IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Curacao, May 2014.
A. Sahai, "Trust in spectrum sharing: a game-theoretic perspective on regulation and some information-theoretic problems that emerge," presented at Information Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2014.
A. Sahai, "Glimpses into an information theory for control," presented at MIT LIDS Student Conference Plenary, Jan. 2014.
A. Sahai, "Radio Spectrum Management and Regulation," presented at NAE EU-US Frontiers of Engineering Symposium, Chantilly, France, Nov. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Connecting control and information: sequentiality," presented at Workshop on Sequential and Adaptive Information Theory, Montreal, Canada, Nov. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Wireless spectrum and a modern "regulatory layer"," presented at Rutgers WINLAB Seminar, Nov. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Wireless spectrum and a modern "regulatory layer"," presented at Broadcom Engineering Seminar, Nov. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Whitespaces, PCAST, and beyond to a truly wideband future.," presented at WMRC (Wideband Mobile Cognitive Radio) Plenary, Las Vegas, Sep. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Towards an information theory for decentralized control," presented at 2nd International Workshop on Mathematical Issues in Information Sciences, Xi'an, China, July 2013.
A. Sahai, "Is wireless going to get a more modern "regulatory layer" soon?," presented at Crowncom Plenary, Washington DC, July 2013.
A. Sahai, "Energy Efficiency when the network is being used for control purposes: The beginings of a journey," presented at IEEE Communication Theory Workshop, Phuket, Thailand, June 2013.
A. Sahai, "Towards an information theory for decentralized control," presented at Wireless Communications and Economics Workshop, Hong Hong, June 2013.
A. Sahai, "The energy cost of encoding/decoding for high reliability," presented at GreenTouch Energy Efficiency Workshop, Shanghai, China, May 2013.
A. Sahai, "What do we really want? To understand and reduce "political risk"," presented at Wireless Spectrum Research and Development Workshop IV, Cambridge, MA, April 2013.
A. Sahai, "Control Information is distinct from Estimation Information," presented at Information Theory and Applications, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2013.
A. Sahai, "Wireless spectrum sharing and cognitive radio: opportunities and looming challenges," presented at NIST Seminar, Gaithersberg, Maryland, Oct. 2012.
A. Sahai, "Some New Results Concerning Control and Communication," presented at Colloquium, Stanford, CA, April 2012.
A. Sahai and S. Y. Park, "Network-coding meets decentralized control (and vice versa)," presented at ITA, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2012.
A. Sahai, "What fundamental understanding is needed for green communication," presented at Green Communication Workshop, Oct. 2010.
A. Sahai, "Challenges for spectrum sharing by cognitive radios," Paris, France, Sep. 2010.
A. Sahai, "Research to Enable Next-Generation Spectrum Policy," presented at Mobicom CORONET Workshop, Chicago, IL, Sep. 2010.
A. Sahai, "Overcoming challenges for spectrum sharing by cognitive radios," Evanston, IL, Sep. 2010.
A. Sahai, "A few thoughts on ``Context Awareness''," presented at ISART, Boulder, CO, July 2010.
A. Sahai, "A few observations on the TV whitespaces," presented at TV Whitespaces Summit, June 2010.
A. Sahai, "What is the value of the television whitespaces?," presented at Communications Theory Workshop, Cancun, Mexico, May 2010.
A. Sahai, "TUTORIAL: How to find/work-on technology problems relevant for policy issues," presented at DySpAN, Singapore, April 2010.
A. Sahai, "Keynote: From the whitespaces to beyond: Some thoughts on critical future problems for the cognitive radio area," presented at Workshop on Cognitive Wireless Communications and Networking at INFOCOM, March 2010.
A. Sahai, "An optimization perspective on spectrum zoning," presented at ITA, La Jolla, CA, Feb. 2010.
A. Sahai, "Desired properties of identity codes," San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2010.
A. Sahai, "New directions in cognitive radio research," Beijing, China, Dec. 2009.
A. Sahai, "Prospects and challenges for spectrum sharing by cognitive radios," Cambridge, MA, Nov. 2009.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental bounds for physical-layer power consumption: ``waterslide curves'' and the price of certainty," presented at ISL Colloquium, Stanford, CA, April 2008.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental bounds for power consumption at the physical layer: ``waterslide curves'' and the price of certainty," presented at University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Japan, March 2008.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental bounds for power consumption at the physical layer: ``waterslide curves'' and the price of certainty," presented at KAIST, Daejeon, South Korea, March 2008.
A. Sahai, "Cognitive radio systems: the need for robust cooperation and the right metrics," presented at ETRI, Daejeon, South Korea, March 2008.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental bounds for power consumption at the physical layer: ``waterslide curves'' and the price of certainty," presented at ETRI, Daejeon, South Korea, March 2008.
A. Sahai, "The price of ignorance: ``waterslide curves'' and the gap to capacity," presented at CUHK Department of Information Engineering Seminar, Hong Kong, Jan. 2008.
A. Sahai, "Opportunistic radio systems: the need for robust cooperation," presented at Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, Jan. 2008.
A. Sahai, "The price of ignorance: ``waterslide curves'' and the gap to capacity," presented at Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore, Jan. 2008.
A. Sahai, "Spectrum Sensing for Cognitive Radios," presented at International Research Workshop on Intelligent Spectrum Usage for Personal Comms, London, UK, April 2007.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback and the price of ignorance," presented at ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, April 2007.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at Imperial College Communications and Signal Processing Seminar Series, London, UK, April 2007.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at UNLV, Las Vegas, NV, March 2007.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at UCLA ECE Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, Feb. 2007.
A. Sahai, "Flexible spectrum management ``technology'," presented at Samsung 4G Forum, Jeju Island, South Korea, Sep. 2006.
A. Sahai, "Increasing reliability using only noisy feedback," presented at Kailath Colloquium on Feedback Communications, Stanford, CA, July 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback and the price of ignorance," presented at ISL Colloquium, Stanford, CA, May 2006.
A. Sahai, "Bringing information theory to control," presented at Workshop on Control, Communications, and Sensing, Stanford, CA, April 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and the price of ignorance," presented at USC Communication Sciences Institute Seminar, Los Angeles, CA, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, Feedback, and the Price of Ignorance," presented at Yale Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Seminar, New Haven, CT, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and the price of ignorance," presented at MIT LIDS Colloquium, Cambridge, MA, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and the price of ignorance," presented at BU ECE Colloquium, Boston, MA, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at MIT Media Lab Viral Communications Seminar, Cambridge, MA, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and the price of ignorance," presented at Cornell Information Theory, Networks and Signal Processing Seminar, Ithaca, NY, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at Phillips Research Seminar, Briarcliff Manor, NY, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at Bell Labs Seminar, Murray Hill, NJ, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and the price of ignorance," presented at ISS Seminar, Princeton, NJ, March 2006.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at Qualcomm Engineering Seminar, San Diego, CA, Feb. 2006.
A. Sahai, "Fundamental tradeoffs for opportunistic radio systems," presented at IEEE Radio and Wireless Conference: Workshop on Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems, San Diego, CA, Jan. 2006.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and interaction," presented at ECE Graduate Seminar, Davis, CA, Dec. 2005.
A. Sahai, "Delay, feedback, and interaction," presented at UMD Advanced Network Colloquium, College Park, MD, Nov. 2005.
A. Sahai, "Cognitive Radio: A new regime for spectrum access," presented at Vodafone Academic Partners Workshop, Runnymede, UK, Nov. 2005.
A. Sahai, "Communicating for Estimation: An information theoretic perspective on control with communication constraints," presented at Probability and Statistical Mechanics in Information Science, Pisa, Italiy, June 2003.
Ph.D. Theses
A. Sahai, "Anytime Information Theory," Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of EECS, Feb. 2001.