Technical Reports - 1968
Periodic Responses of Nonlinear Feedback Systems (M258)
A.R. Bergen and R.L. Franks
On the Convergence of Optimization Algorithms (M256)
E. Polak
Computer Programs for Certain Problems in Electric and Magnetic Fields and Electron Streams in Two-Dimensional Systems (M255)
R.A. Rao and K.A. Fox
The Estimation of Modes and Its Application to Pattern Classification (M254)
Michael W. Blasgen
CANDOFD (Computer Analysis of Networks With Design Orientation in the Frequency Domain) (M253)
Paul M. Russo
CANINE (Computer Analysis of Networks via Inversion of Network Equations) (M252)
Paul M. Russo
CANDO (Computer Analysis of Networks With Design Orientation) (M251)
Paul M. Russo
Computer Studies of Temperature Compensation in Selective Amplifiers (M250)
William J. McCalla
Stability of a Nonlinear Time-Invariant Feedback System Under Almost Constant Factors (M249)
C.A. Desoer and M.Y. Wu
State Estimation of Power Systems (M248)
Antonio R. Zarate, G.E. Mauerberger and J.M. Smith
Temperature Sensitivity of Integrated Oscillators (M247)
Richard F. Adams
On Stochastic Differential Equations Arising in State Estimation Problems (M246)
Frank P. Romeo, Jr.
The Distribution of Intervals Between Zeros For a Stationary Gaussian Process (M245)
E. Wong
Non-adiabatic and Stochastic Mechanisms for Cyclotron Resonance Trapping and Heating in Mirror Geometries (M244)
Allan J. Lichtenberg, Marvin J. Schwartz and David T. Tuma
Monolithic Wideband Amplifiers (M243)
Bruce A. Wooley
The Capacity of Classes of Unknown Channels (M242)
L.J. Forys and P.P. Varaiya
Existence of Saddle Points in Differential Games (M241)
P. Varaiya and J. Lin
Turbulent Heating and Compression Experiments in B.M.E. II (Berkeley Mirror Experiment II) (M240)
H. deKluvier
Fuzzy Algorithms (M236)
L.A. Zadeh
On the Removal of Ill Conditioning Effects In the Computation of Optimal Controls (M235)
E. Polak