Process Migration in DEMOS/MP
Michael L. Powell and Barton P. Miller
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-83-132
, 1983
Process migration has been added to the DEMOS/MP operating system. A process can be moved during its execution, and continue on another processor, with continuous access to all its resources. Messages are correctly delivered to the process's new location, and message paths are quickly updated to take advantage of the process's new location. No centralized algorithms are necessary to move a process. <p> A number of characteristics of DEMOS/MP allowed process migration to be implemented efficiently and with no changes to system services. Among these characteristics are the uniform and location independent communication interface, and the fact that the kernel can participate in message send and receive operations in the same manner as a normal process.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Powell:CSD-83-132, Author= {Powell, Michael L. and Miller, Barton P.}, Title= {Process Migration in DEMOS/MP}, Year= {1983}, Month= {Aug}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/CSD-83-132}, Abstract= {Process migration has been added to the DEMOS/MP operating system. A process can be moved during its execution, and continue on another processor, with continuous access to all its resources. Messages are correctly delivered to the process's new location, and message paths are quickly updated to take advantage of the process's new location. No centralized algorithms are necessary to move a process. <p> A number of characteristics of DEMOS/MP allowed process migration to be implemented efficiently and with no changes to system services. Among these characteristics are the uniform and location independent communication interface, and the fact that the kernel can participate in message send and receive operations in the same manner as a normal process.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Powell, Michael L. %A Miller, Barton P. %T Process Migration in DEMOS/MP %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 1983 %@ UCB/CSD-83-132 %U %F Powell:CSD-83-132