Geometric Continuity of Parametric Curves
Brian A. Barsky and Anthony D. DeRose
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-84-205
, 1984
Parametric spline curves are typically constructed so that the first <i>n</i> parametric derivatives agree where the curve segments abut. This type of continuity condition has become known as <i>C^n</i> or <i>n</i>th order parametric continuity. We show that the use of parametric continuity disallows many parametrizations which generate geometrically smooth curves. <p> We define <i>n</i>th order geometric continuity (<i>G^n</i>), develop constraint equations that are necessary and sufficient for geometric continuity of curves, and show that geometric continuity is a relaxed form of parametric continuity. <i>G^n</i> continuity provides for the introduction of <i>n</i> quantities known as shape parameters which can be made available to a designer in a computer aided design environment to modify the shape of curves without moving control vertices. Several applications of the theory are discussed, along with topics of future research.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Barsky:CSD-84-205, Author= {Barsky, Brian A. and DeRose, Anthony D.}, Title= {Geometric Continuity of Parametric Curves}, Year= {1984}, Month= {Oct}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/CSD-84-205}, Abstract= {Parametric spline curves are typically constructed so that the first <i>n</i> parametric derivatives agree where the curve segments abut. This type of continuity condition has become known as <i>C^n</i> or <i>n</i>th order parametric continuity. We show that the use of parametric continuity disallows many parametrizations which generate geometrically smooth curves. <p> We define <i>n</i>th order geometric continuity (<i>G^n</i>), develop constraint equations that are necessary and sufficient for geometric continuity of curves, and show that geometric continuity is a relaxed form of parametric continuity. <i>G^n</i> continuity provides for the introduction of <i>n</i> quantities known as shape parameters which can be made available to a designer in a computer aided design environment to modify the shape of curves without moving control vertices. Several applications of the theory are discussed, along with topics of future research.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Barsky, Brian A. %A DeRose, Anthony D. %T Geometric Continuity of Parametric Curves %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 1984 %@ UCB/CSD-84-205 %U %F Barsky:CSD-84-205