Charles A. Cox

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-86-283

, 1986

This report introduces a reimplementation of the ideas for phrasal analysis originally implemented in PHRAN[WA80] as part of the original Unix Consultant project (UC[WAC84]). The new implementation, ALANA, presents a general algorithm using chart parsing techniques for phrasal analysis. <p> Also presented in this report is a discussion of KODIAK, the new form of representation from UC Berkeley into which ALANA analyzes. We include a description of how language is represented in ALANA and how it ties in with the KODIAK representation model. <p> Finally, we look at how ALANA fits into the new UC, a new implementation of UC using ALANA, KODIAK, and the latest ideas from the UC Berkeley BAIR (Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research) project on understanding and planning.

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Cox, Charles A.},
    Title= {ALANA -- Augmentable LANguage Analyzer},
    Year= {1986},
    Month= {Jan},
    Url= {},
    Number= {UCB/CSD-86-283},
    Abstract= {This report introduces a reimplementation of the ideas for phrasal analysis originally implemented in PHRAN[WA80] as part of the original Unix Consultant project (UC[WAC84]). The new implementation, ALANA, presents a general algorithm using chart parsing techniques for phrasal analysis.  <p>  Also presented in this report is a discussion of KODIAK, the new form of representation from UC Berkeley into which ALANA analyzes. We include a description of how language is represented in ALANA and how it ties in with the KODIAK representation model.  <p>  Finally, we look at how ALANA fits into the new UC, a new implementation of UC using ALANA, KODIAK, and the latest ideas from the UC Berkeley BAIR (Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research) project on understanding and planning.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Cox, Charles A. 
%T ALANA -- Augmentable LANguage Analyzer
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1986
%@ UCB/CSD-86-283
%F Cox:CSD-86-283