Pehong Chen

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-87-316

, 1987

TEX-mode is part of an Emacs-based environment for editing TEX documents. [2]. It is a GNU Emacs [6] interface to TEX [3], LATEX [1], and the basic execution of AMS-TEX [8]. It comprises the following sub-systems: TEX-mode.el , TEX-match.el, TEX- custom.el, TEX-misc.el, TEX-spell.el, TEX-bib.el, and TEX-index.el. The idea is that only the most essential functions are defined in TEX-mode.el in order to minimize TEX-mode startup time. Other sub- systems will be autoloaded as needed. The file TEX-mode.el includes primarily the function tex-mode which defines such attributes as syntax entry modifications, key bindings, and local variables for TEX-mode. Also included is the code for automatic matching of dollar signs ($'s) and double quotes ("'s). These functions will be loaded when the first file with suffix '.tex' is visited in an Emacs session.

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Chen, Pehong},
    Title= {GNU Emacs TEX Mode},
    Year= {1987},
    Month= {Feb},
    Url= {},
    Number= {UCB/CSD-87-316},
    Abstract= {TEX-mode is part of an Emacs-based environment for editing TEX documents. [2]. It is a GNU Emacs [6] interface to TEX [3], LATEX [1], and the basic execution of AMS-TEX [8]. It comprises the following sub-systems: TEX-mode.el , TEX-match.el, TEX- custom.el, TEX-misc.el, TEX-spell.el, TEX-bib.el, and TEX-index.el. The idea is that only the most essential functions are defined in TEX-mode.el in order to minimize TEX-mode startup time. Other sub- systems will be autoloaded as needed. The file TEX-mode.el includes primarily the function tex-mode which defines such attributes as syntax entry modifications, key bindings, and local variables for TEX-mode. Also included is the code for automatic matching of dollar signs ($'s) and double quotes ("'s). These functions will be loaded when the first file with suffix '.tex' is visited in an Emacs session.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Chen, Pehong 
%T GNU Emacs TEX Mode
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1987
%@ UCB/CSD-87-316
%F Chen:CSD-87-316