Theory, Algorithms, and User's Guide for BSIM and SCALP

M-C. Jeng, P.M. Lee, M.M. Kuo, P.K. Ko and Chenming Hu

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/ERL M87/35
May 1987

The BSIM (Berkeley Short-channel IGFET MODEL) parameter extraction program has been updated substantially since the first time it was released. The BSIM parameter extraction program to date (version 2.0) can extract parameters for the strong-inversion drain current, the subthreshold drain current, and the substrate current. The parameters for the drain current can be read by a special version of SPICE2.G with BSIM models implemented or by SPICE3 (level 4) to simulate MOSFET characteristics. The parameters for the substrate current are processed by SCALP (the Substrate Current And Lifetime Processors) to simulate the degradation and lifetime of MOSFET's. Several ERL memoranda are available for various parts of the parameter extraction program, SPICE and SCALP. However, the connections between these memoranda are loose. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide the users with a unified information source about the BSIM parameter extraction program and SCALP.

This memorandum is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 deals with the BSIM formulation. It includes drain current model for the strong-inversion region, subthreshold drain current model, capacitance and charge model, substrate current model, and degradation and lifetime model used in BSIM and SCALP, including whenever possible, concise accounts of their derivations. In chapter 2 is a description of the parameter extraction program. It includes the system setup requirements, the measurement procedure, theory and algorithms used in the extraction, and how the final process file is generated. A user's guide for the parameter extraction program is also included in this chapter. Chapter 3 is the BSIM program reference manual for SPICE. It describes how the BSIM model is implemented in SPICE. The user's guide for SPICE2.G with BSIM model implemented is also included. Chapter 4 is the reference manual for SCALP. Examples and results are given in chapter 5.

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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Jeng, M-C. and Lee, P.M. and Kuo, M.M. and Ko, P.K. and Hu, Chenming},
    Title = {Theory, Algorithms, and User's Guide for BSIM and SCALP},
    Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1987},
    Month = {May},
    URL = {},
    Number = {UCB/ERL M87/35},
    Abstract = {The BSIM (Berkeley Short-channel IGFET MODEL) parameter extraction
program has been updated substantially since the first time it was
released. The BSIM parameter extraction program to date (version 2.0)
can extract parameters for the strong-inversion drain current, the
subthreshold drain current, and the substrate current. The parameters
for the drain current can be read by a special version of SPICE2.G
with BSIM models implemented or by SPICE3 (level 4) to simulate
MOSFET characteristics. The parameters for the substrate current are
processed by SCALP (the Substrate Current And Lifetime Processors)
to simulate the degradation and lifetime of MOSFET's.  Several ERL
memoranda are available for various parts of the parameter extraction
program, SPICE and SCALP. However, the connections between these
memoranda are loose. The purpose of this memorandum is to provide
the users with a unified information source about the BSIM parameter
extraction program and SCALP.

This memorandum is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 deals
with the BSIM formulation. It includes drain current model for
the strong-inversion region, subthreshold drain current model,
capacitance and charge model, substrate current model, and
degradation and lifetime model used in BSIM and SCALP, including
whenever possible, concise accounts of their derivations. In chapter
2 is a description of the parameter extraction program. It includes
the system setup requirements, the measurement procedure, theory and
algorithms used in the extraction, and how the final process file
is generated. A user's guide for the parameter extraction program
is also included in this chapter.  Chapter 3 is the BSIM program
reference manual for SPICE. It describes how the BSIM model is
implemented in SPICE. The user's guide for SPICE2.G with BSIM model
implemented is also included. Chapter 4 is the reference manual for
SCALP. Examples and results are given in chapter 5.}

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Jeng, M-C.
%A Lee, P.M.
%A Kuo, M.M.
%A Ko, P.K.
%A Hu, Chenming
%T Theory, Algorithms, and User's Guide for BSIM and SCALP
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1987
%@ UCB/ERL M87/35
%F Jeng:M87/35