Test Structures for the Visual Characterization of Optical Lithography

Andrew R. Neureuther, William G. Oldham, R.C. Anderson, D.M. Drako, W.E. Haller, B. Huynh, D.E. Lyons, G.R. Misium, D.P. Sutija, K.K.H. Toh and B. Uathavikul

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/ERL M88/38
May 1988


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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Neureuther, Andrew R. and Oldham, William G. and Anderson, R.C. and Drako, D.M. and Haller, W.E. and Huynh, B. and Lyons, D.E. and Misium, G.R. and Sutija, D.P. and Toh, K.K.H. and Uathavikul, B.},
    Title = {Test Structures for the Visual Characterization of Optical Lithography},
    Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1988},
    Month = {May},
    URL = {http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/1988/1045.html},
    Number = {UCB/ERL M88/38}

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Neureuther, Andrew R.
%A Oldham, William G.
%A Anderson, R.C.
%A Drako, D.M.
%A Haller, W.E.
%A Huynh, B.
%A Lyons, D.E.
%A Misium, G.R.
%A Sutija, D.P.
%A Toh, K.K.H.
%A Uathavikul, B.
%T Test Structures for the Visual Characterization of Optical Lithography
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1988
%@ UCB/ERL M88/38
%U http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/1988/1045.html
%F Neureuther:M88/38