An Interactive Multimedia Tutoring System For Digital Signal Processing

Sam Pointer

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-90-581
March 1990

We have developed an interactive multimedia software system to act as a tutor of digital audio signal processing. The DISIPLE system (DIgital SIgnal Processing Learning Environment) is intended for use by people without specialized engineering training, such as composers and psychoacousticians. We have implemented a prototype of the system on the NeXT computer to 1) explore the relationships among text, graphics, and sound in an interactive teaching environment, and 2) explore the tools available on that platform and the feasibility of developing the full systems. In this paper we concentrate on our use of tools to implement the interactive multimedia system rather than our specific approach to teaching individual topics. Our system is organized as a Mathematica notebook with external support from NeXT's Sound and Music Kits through Objective-C code. The environment employed is standard, making our system portable to any NeXT machine. This environment, while providing many programming conveniences, has presented some interesting implementation challenges. With the DISIPLE system we have illustrated some possibilities for developing interactive multimedia systems on the NeXT machine, and for teaching topics in audio technology using interactive multimedia. The experience gained in its development will be useful in developing related systems. Although we have concentrated on the domain of digital signal processing, these techniques can be used in other domains in music and music technology.

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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Pointer, Sam},
    Title = {An Interactive Multimedia Tutoring System For Digital Signal Processing},
    Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1990},
    Month = {Mar},
    URL = {},
    Number = {UCB/CSD-90-581},
    Abstract = {We have developed an interactive multimedia software system to act as a tutor of digital audio signal processing. The DISIPLE system (DIgital SIgnal Processing Learning Environment) is intended for use by people without specialized engineering training, such as composers and psychoacousticians. We have implemented a prototype of the system on the NeXT computer to 1) explore the relationships among text, graphics, and sound in an interactive teaching environment, and 2) explore the tools available on that platform and the feasibility of developing the full systems. In this paper we concentrate on our use of tools to implement the interactive multimedia system rather than our specific approach to teaching individual topics. Our system is organized as a Mathematica notebook with external support from NeXT's Sound and Music Kits through Objective-C code. The environment employed is standard, making our system portable to any NeXT machine. This environment, while providing many programming conveniences, has presented some interesting implementation challenges. With the DISIPLE system we have illustrated some possibilities for developing interactive multimedia systems on the NeXT machine, and for teaching topics in audio technology using interactive multimedia. The experience gained in its development will be useful in developing related systems. Although we have concentrated on the domain of digital signal processing, these techniques can be used in other domains in music and music technology.}

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Pointer, Sam
%T An Interactive Multimedia Tutoring System For Digital Signal Processing
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1990
%@ UCB/CSD-90-581
%F Pointer:CSD-90-581