Bruce K. Holmer

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-91-610

, 1991

This document describes the VLSI-PLM instruction set and includes small programs to test details of its implementation. The VLSI-PLM is a single chip implementation of the PLM, a WAM based instruction set for the execution of Prolog. The instruction set is described using C-like code based on the actual microcode of the VLSI-PLM. The test programs are a collection of simple Prolog programs which were used to debug the microcode. This report compliments the report of Fagin and Dobry, <i>The Berkeley PLM Instruction Set: An Instruction Set for Prolog</i>.

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Holmer, Bruce K.},
    Title= {A Detailed Description of the VLSI-PLM Instruction Set: A WAM Based Processor for Prolog},
    Year= {1991},
    Month= {Mar},
    Url= {},
    Number= {UCB/CSD-91-610},
    Abstract= {This document describes the VLSI-PLM instruction set and includes small programs to test details of its implementation. The VLSI-PLM is a single chip implementation of the PLM, a WAM based instruction set for the execution of Prolog. The instruction set is described using C-like code based on the actual microcode of the VLSI-PLM. The test programs are a collection of simple Prolog programs which were used to debug the microcode. This report compliments the report of Fagin and Dobry, <i>The Berkeley PLM Instruction Set: An Instruction Set for Prolog</i>.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Holmer, Bruce K. 
%T A Detailed Description of the VLSI-PLM Instruction Set: A WAM Based Processor for Prolog
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1991
%@ UCB/CSD-91-610
%F Holmer:CSD-91-610