Language, Compiler, and Operating System for the CNN Supercomputer
T. Roska and Leon O. Chua and A. Zarandy
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/ERL M93/34
, 1993
The CNN Universal Machine and Supercomputer [10] is the first stored program analog computing array architecture. Its various implementations, in parts, show that for this new kind of analogic computing we need all the essential programming tools which digital computers have, though in different form. Namely, we need an analogic algorithm (e.g. in a form of a flow diagram), a high level language (e.g. the "Analogic CNN Language (ACL)"), a compiler, an operating system, and a generated machine code. Although they are quite simple in our present phase of making these machines, their existence suggest a similar development to the one we had in the 1970's for microprocessors. The main difference is accounted for by the presence of analog array dynamics as the key instruction/operation in the analogic CNN algorithms [1-8]. In what follows, we outline the main ideas and a simple implementation. Inclusively, we suggest a framework for the implementation of a development system for CNN universal chips.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Roska:M93/34, Author= {Roska, T. and Chua, Leon O. and Zarandy, A.}, Title= {Language, Compiler, and Operating System for the CNN Supercomputer}, Year= {1993}, Month= {Apr}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/ERL M93/34}, Abstract= {The CNN Universal Machine and Supercomputer [10] is the first stored program analog computing array architecture. Its various implementations, in parts, show that for this new kind of analogic computing we need all the essential programming tools which digital computers have, though in different form. Namely, we need an analogic algorithm (e.g. in a form of a flow diagram), a high level language (e.g. the "Analogic CNN Language (ACL)"), a compiler, an operating system, and a generated machine code. Although they are quite simple in our present phase of making these machines, their existence suggest a similar development to the one we had in the 1970's for microprocessors. The main difference is accounted for by the presence of analog array dynamics as the key instruction/operation in the analogic CNN algorithms [1-8]. In what follows, we outline the main ideas and a simple implementation. Inclusively, we suggest a framework for the implementation of a development system for CNN universal chips.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Roska, T. %A Chua, Leon O. %A Zarandy, A. %T Language, Compiler, and Operating System for the CNN Supercomputer %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 1993 %@ UCB/ERL M93/34 %U %F Roska:M93/34