Novel Techniques for High Performance Field-Programmable Logic Devices

Narasimha B. Bhat

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/ERL M93/80
November 1993

Field programmable logic devices (FPLDs) are fast emerging as viable alternatives to mask programmed parts because of their rapid time-to-market and low costs. Their application has, however, been limited to implementing random logic, with non-critical timing specifications. This work attempts to advance FPLD usage to high-performance applications as well. A two-pronged approach is adopted. In the first part, CAD algorithms aimed at improving routability and performance of designs mapped to existing look-up table (LUT) based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are developed. The concept of a two-input LUT primitive cell is introduced. This reduces the number of library patterns that require to be stored for an LUT library, and makes it feasible to extend performance-driven library based technology mapping techniques to LUT FPGAs. The performance- driven mapping algorithm accounts for interconnect delay and provides area-delay trade offs. Experiments on benchmark designs show the effectiveness of the new algorithms. In the second part, a new FPLD architecture is introduced. The architecture is based on the concept of time-sharing of logic and routing resources in an effort to have a fully routable, CAD friendly FPLD with predictable timing performance and efficient silicon usage. Real-time reconfiguration of logic and routing resources implements a given circuit in a folded pipe-line fashion, pipe lining at the gate level. Several possible variations of the basic architecture are discussed. A simple synthesis scheme is developed and experimental results are reported. Area and timing analyses demonstrates advantages over existing FPGAs.

Advisor: Ernest S. Kuh

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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Bhat, Narasimha B.},
    Title = {Novel Techniques for High Performance Field-Programmable Logic Devices},
    School = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1993},
    Month = {Nov},
    URL = {},
    Number = {UCB/ERL M93/80},
    Abstract = {Field programmable logic devices (FPLDs) are fast emerging as viable alternatives to mask programmed parts because of their rapid time-to-market and low costs. Their application has, however, been limited to implementing random logic, with non-critical timing specifications. This work attempts to advance FPLD usage to high-performance applications as well. A two-pronged approach is adopted. In the first part, CAD algorithms aimed at improving routability and performance of designs mapped to existing look-up table (LUT) based field programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) are developed. The concept of a two-input LUT primitive cell is introduced. This reduces the number of library patterns that require to be stored for an LUT library, and makes it feasible to extend performance-driven library based technology mapping techniques to LUT FPGAs. The performance- driven mapping algorithm accounts for interconnect delay and provides area-delay trade offs. Experiments on benchmark designs show the effectiveness of the new algorithms. In the second part, a new FPLD architecture is introduced. The architecture is based on the concept of time-sharing of logic and routing resources in an effort to have a fully routable, CAD friendly FPLD with predictable timing performance and efficient silicon usage. Real-time reconfiguration of logic and routing resources implements a given circuit in a folded pipe-line fashion, pipe lining at the gate level. Several possible variations of the basic architecture are discussed. A simple synthesis scheme is developed and experimental results are reported. Area and timing analyses demonstrates advantages over existing FPGAs.}

EndNote citation:

%0 Thesis
%A Bhat, Narasimha B.
%T Novel Techniques for High Performance Field-Programmable Logic Devices
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1993
%@ UCB/ERL M93/80
%F Bhat:M93/80