A Boyer-Moore Approach for Two-Dimensional Matching
Jorma Tarhio
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-93-784
, 1993
A simple sublinear algorithm is presented for two-dimensional string matching, where occurrences of a pattern of <i>m</i> x <i>m</i> characters are searched for in a text of <i>n</i> x <i>n</i> characters in an alphabet of <i>c</i> characters. The algorithm is based on the Boyer-Moore idea and it examines a strip of <i>r</i> columns at a time, <i>m</i>/2 <= <i>r</i> <= <i>m</i>. The shift of the pattern is based on a string of <i>d</i> characters, <i>d</i> = [log_c(<i>rm</i>)]. The expected running time of the algorithm is shown to be <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>^2 [log_c<i>m</i>^2] / <i>m</i>^2 + <i>cm</i>^2) for random texts and patterns. The algorithm is easy to implement, and results of experiments are reported to show its practical efficiency.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Tarhio:CSD-93-784, Author= {Tarhio, Jorma}, Title= {A Boyer-Moore Approach for Two-Dimensional Matching}, Year= {1993}, Month= {Dec}, Url= {http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/1993/6322.html}, Number= {UCB/CSD-93-784}, Abstract= {A simple sublinear algorithm is presented for two-dimensional string matching, where occurrences of a pattern of <i>m</i> x <i>m</i> characters are searched for in a text of <i>n</i> x <i>n</i> characters in an alphabet of <i>c</i> characters. The algorithm is based on the Boyer-Moore idea and it examines a strip of <i>r</i> columns at a time, <i>m</i>/2 <= <i>r</i> <= <i>m</i>. The shift of the pattern is based on a string of <i>d</i> characters, <i>d</i> = [log_c(<i>rm</i>)]. The expected running time of the algorithm is shown to be <i>O</i>(<i>n</i>^2 [log_c<i>m</i>^2] / <i>m</i>^2 + <i>cm</i>^2) for random texts and patterns. The algorithm is easy to implement, and results of experiments are reported to show its practical efficiency.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Tarhio, Jorma %T A Boyer-Moore Approach for Two-Dimensional Matching %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 1993 %@ UCB/CSD-93-784 %U http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/1993/6322.html %F Tarhio:CSD-93-784