Analysis Tools for MPEG-1 Video Streams
Doug Banks and Lawrence A. Rowe
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-97-936
, 1997
Several tools are described that analyze the encoding of video streams compressed according to the MPEG-1 standard. The relative strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed, along with the problems solved in implementing them. Finally, several statistics-gathering extensions to the Continuous Media Toolkit (CMT) are introduced. These extensions provide a powerful, highly configurable, and conceptually simple framework for the design of customized MPEG-1 analysis tools.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Banks:CSD-97-936, Author= {Banks, Doug and Rowe, Lawrence A.}, Title= {Analysis Tools for MPEG-1 Video Streams}, Year= {1997}, Month= {Feb}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/CSD-97-936}, Abstract= {Several tools are described that analyze the encoding of video streams compressed according to the MPEG-1 standard. The relative strengths and weaknesses of each tool are discussed, along with the problems solved in implementing them. Finally, several statistics-gathering extensions to the Continuous Media Toolkit (CMT) are introduced. These extensions provide a powerful, highly configurable, and conceptually simple framework for the design of customized MPEG-1 analysis tools.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Banks, Doug %A Rowe, Lawrence A. %T Analysis Tools for MPEG-1 Video Streams %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 1997 %@ UCB/CSD-97-936 %U %F Banks:CSD-97-936