Allan Christian Jr. Long and James A. Landay and Lawrence A. Rowe

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-97-976

, 1997

Gestures are an essential element in the realization of paper-like user interfaces. Unfortunately, poor design and recognition of gestures has impeded the adoption of these interfaces. This paper describes a survey intended to illuminate the problems users have and benefits users enjoy with gesture-based user interfaces. From the results of the survey, we conclude that: users value gestures yet problems with gestures remain; users demand more gestures; and Newtons are used largely as notebooks whereas Pilots are used mostly as personal datebooks and addressbooks. The results of the survey provide insight for designers of pen-based user interfaces and related tools.

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Long, Allan Christian Jr. and Landay, James A. and Rowe, Lawrence A.},
    Title= {PDA and Gesture Uses in Practice:  Insights for Designers of Pen-based User Interfaces},
    Year= {1997},
    Month= {Dec},
    Url= {},
    Number= {UCB/CSD-97-976},
    Abstract= {Gestures are an essential element in the realization of paper-like user interfaces. Unfortunately, poor design and recognition of gestures has impeded the adoption of these interfaces. This paper describes a survey intended to illuminate the problems users have and benefits users enjoy with gesture-based user interfaces. From the results of the survey, we conclude that: users value gestures yet problems with gestures remain; users demand more gestures; and Newtons are used largely as notebooks whereas Pilots are used mostly as personal datebooks and addressbooks. The results of the survey provide insight for designers of pen-based user interfaces and related tools.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Long, Allan Christian Jr. 
%A Landay, James A. 
%A Rowe, Lawrence A. 
%T PDA and Gesture Uses in Practice:  Insights for Designers of Pen-based User Interfaces
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1997
%@ UCB/CSD-97-976
%F Long:CSD-97-976