Paul Debevec and Yizhou Yu and George Boshokov

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-98-1003

, 1998

This paper presents how the image-based rendering technique of view-dependent texture-mapping (VDTM) can be efficiently implemented using projective texture mapping, a feature commonly available in polygon graphics hardware. VDTM is a technique for generating novel views of a scene with approximately known geometry making maximal use of a sparse set of original views. The original presentation of VDTM by Debevec, Taylor, and Malik required significant per-pixel computation and did not scale well with the number of original images. In our technique, we precompute for each polygon the set of original images in which it is visible and create a "view map" data structure that encodes the best texture map to use for a regularly sampled set of possible viewing directions. To generate a novel view, the view map for each polygon is queried to determine a set of no more than three original images to blend together to render the polygon. Invisible triangles are shaded using an object-space hole-filling method. We show how the rendering process can be streamlined for implementation on standard polygon graphics hardware and present results of using the method to render a large-scale model of the Berkeley bell tower and its surrounding campus environment.

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Debevec, Paul and Yu, Yizhou and Boshokov, George},
    Title= {Efficient View-Dependent Image-Based Rendering with Projective Texture-Mapping},
    Year= {1998},
    Url= {},
    Number= {UCB/CSD-98-1003},
    Abstract= {This paper presents how the image-based rendering technique of view-dependent texture-mapping (VDTM) can be efficiently implemented using projective texture mapping, a feature commonly available in polygon graphics hardware. VDTM is a technique for generating novel views of a scene with approximately known geometry making maximal use of a sparse set of original views. The original presentation of VDTM by Debevec, Taylor, and Malik required significant per-pixel computation and did not scale well with the number of original images. In our technique, we precompute for each polygon the set of original images in which it is visible and create a "view map" data structure that encodes the best texture map to use for a regularly sampled set of possible viewing directions. To generate a novel view, the view map for each polygon is queried to determine a set of no more than three original images to blend together to render the polygon. Invisible triangles are shaded using an object-space hole-filling method. We show how the rendering process can be streamlined for implementation on standard polygon graphics hardware and present results of using the method to render a large-scale model of the Berkeley bell tower and its surrounding campus environment.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Debevec, Paul 
%A Yu, Yizhou 
%A Boshokov, George 
%T Efficient View-Dependent Image-Based Rendering with Projective Texture-Mapping
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1998
%@ UCB/CSD-98-1003
%F Debevec:CSD-98-1003