BSIM3v3.2.1 MOSFET Model Users' Manual

W. Liu, X. Jin, J. Chen, M-C. Jeng, Z. Liu, Y. Cheng, K. Chen, M. Chan, K. Hui, J. Huang, R. Tu, P.K. Ko and Chenming Hu

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/ERL M99/19
March 1999

BSIM3v3 is the latest industry-standard MOSFET model for deep-submicron digital and analog circuit designs from the BSIM Group at the University of California at Berkeley. BSIM3v3.2.1 is based on its predecessor, BSIM3v3.2, with the following changes:

* A bias-dependent Vfb is kept in the capacitance models, capMod=l and 2.

* A version number checking is added; a warning message will be given if user-specified version number is different from its default value of 3.2.1.

* Known bugs are fixed.

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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Liu, W. and Jin, X. and Chen, J. and Jeng, M-C. and Liu, Z. and Cheng, Y. and Chen, K. and Chan, M. and Hui, K. and Huang, J. and Tu, R. and Ko, P.K. and Hu, Chenming},
    Title = {BSIM3v3.2.1 MOSFET Model Users' Manual},
    Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1999},
    Month = {Mar},
    URL = {},
    Number = {UCB/ERL M99/19},
    Abstract = {BSIM3v3 is the latest industry-standard MOSFET model for
deep-submicron digital and analog circuit designs from the BSIM
Group at the University of California at Berkeley. BSIM3v3.2.1 is
based on its predecessor, BSIM3v3.2, with the following changes:

*   A bias-dependent Vfb is kept in the capacitance models,
    capMod=l and 2.

*   A version number checking is added; a warning message will
    be given if user-specified version number is different from
    its default value of 3.2.1.

*   Known bugs are fixed.}

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Liu, W.
%A Jin, X.
%A Chen, J.
%A Jeng, M-C.
%A Liu, Z.
%A Cheng, Y.
%A Chen, K.
%A Chan, M.
%A Hui, K.
%A Huang, J.
%A Tu, R.
%A Ko, P.K.
%A Hu, Chenming
%T BSIM3v3.2.1 MOSFET Model Users' Manual
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1999
%@ UCB/ERL M99/19
%F Liu:M99/19