DENIM: Finding a Tighter Fit Between Tools and Practice for Web Site Design

James Lin, Mark Newman, Jason I. Hong and James A. Landay

EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-99-1065
September 1999

Through a study of web site design practice, we observed that web site designers design sites at different levels of refinement -- site map, storyboard, and individual page -- and that designers sketch at all levels during the early stages of design. However, existing web design tools do not support these tasks very well. Informed by these observations, we created DENIM, a system that helps web site designers in the early stages of design. DENIM supports sketching input, allows design at different refinement levels, and unifies the levels through zooming. We performed an informal evaluation with seven professional designers and found that they reacted positively to the concept and were interested in using such a system in their work.

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BibTeX citation:

    Author = {Lin, James and Newman, Mark and Hong, Jason I. and Landay, James A.},
    Title = {DENIM: Finding a Tighter Fit Between Tools and Practice for Web Site Design},
    Institution = {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley},
    Year = {1999},
    Month = {Sep},
    URL = {},
    Number = {UCB/CSD-99-1065},
    Abstract = {Through a study of web site design practice, we observed that web site designers design sites at different levels of refinement -- site map, storyboard, and individual page -- and that designers sketch at all levels during the early stages of design. However, existing web design tools do not support these tasks very well. Informed by these observations, we created DENIM, a system that helps web site designers in the early stages of design. DENIM supports sketching input, allows design at different refinement levels, and unifies the levels through zooming. We performed an informal evaluation with seven professional designers and found that they reacted positively to the concept and were interested in using such a system in their work.}

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Lin, James
%A Newman, Mark
%A Hong, Jason I.
%A Landay, James A.
%T DENIM: Finding a Tighter Fit Between Tools and Practice for Web Site Design
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 1999
%@ UCB/CSD-99-1065
%F Lin:CSD-99-1065