Christoph Meyer Kirsch

EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley

Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-01-1137

, 2001

The embedded machine is a virtual machine in the spirit of the Java virtual machine with specific extensions for embedded real-time computing on distributed platforms. The embedded machine provides an abstract platform for generating distributed code from high-level embedded programming languages. The instruction set of the embedded machine has a formal synchronous (zero-delay) semantics which provides synchronous control of scheduled computation and communication with respect to the progress of real-time and the occurrences of events. The serialization of concurrent scheduled computation and communication is defined non-deterministically which makes the embedded machine compatible with any scheduling algorithm. A program of the embedded machine determines when to schedule task invocations and message delivery but not how. A scheduling algorithm is thus a parameter of a program of the embedded machine.

BibTeX citation:

    Author= {Kirsch, Christoph Meyer},
    Title= {The Embedded Machine},
    Year= {2001},
    Month= {Mar},
    Url= {},
    Number= {UCB/CSD-01-1137},
    Abstract= {The embedded machine is a virtual machine in the spirit of the Java virtual machine with specific extensions for embedded real-time computing on distributed platforms. The embedded machine provides an abstract platform for generating distributed code from high-level embedded programming languages. The instruction set of the embedded machine has a formal synchronous (zero-delay) semantics which provides synchronous control of scheduled computation and communication with respect to the progress of real-time and the occurrences of events. The serialization of concurrent scheduled computation and communication is defined non-deterministically which makes the embedded machine compatible with any scheduling algorithm. A program of the embedded machine determines when to schedule task invocations and message delivery but not how. A scheduling algorithm is thus a parameter of a program of the embedded machine.},

EndNote citation:

%0 Report
%A Kirsch, Christoph Meyer 
%T The Embedded Machine
%I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
%D 2001
%@ UCB/CSD-01-1137
%F Kirsch:CSD-01-1137