Data Replication in OceanStore
Dennis Geels
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/CSD-02-1217
, 2002
We present the design and implementation of the data replication subsystem of OceanStore, a global-scale storage system. Our system automatically replicates data on or near the client machines where the data is accessed, in order to improve locality, scalability, and availability. These replicas cooperate to share data and disseminate updates securely and efficiently. <p>Replicas also provide a flexible read interface that allows applications to relax data consistency in exchange for improved performance and availability. This interface also supports retrieval of arbitrarily old versions of client data ("time travel").
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Geels:CSD-02-1217, Author= {Geels, Dennis}, Title= {Data Replication in OceanStore}, Year= {2002}, Month= {Nov}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/CSD-02-1217}, Abstract= {We present the design and implementation of the data replication subsystem of OceanStore, a global-scale storage system. Our system automatically replicates data on or near the client machines where the data is accessed, in order to improve locality, scalability, and availability. These replicas cooperate to share data and disseminate updates securely and efficiently. <p>Replicas also provide a flexible read interface that allows applications to relax data consistency in exchange for improved performance and availability. This interface also supports retrieval of arbitrarily old versions of client data ("time travel").}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Geels, Dennis %T Data Replication in OceanStore %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2002 %@ UCB/CSD-02-1217 %U %F Geels:CSD-02-1217