Discovering Efficiency in Coarse-To-Fine Texture Classification
Jonathan Barron and Jitendra Malik
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2010-94
June 12, 2010
We introduce a model for joint texture classification and segmentation that learns not only *how* to classify accurately, but *when* to classify efficiently. This model, combined with a complementary efficient feature representation that we describe, allows us to move beyond naive sliding-window classification strategies into sub-linear coarse-to-fine classification of an entire image. Recognition is formulated as a scale-space traversal through the image in which we can ``stop short'' at coarse scales, dramatically increasing both the speed and the accuracy of classification. Unlike other models, ours is constructed such that the classification produced when stopping-short is exact (that is, equivalent to the classification produced when not stopping-short), because coarse-to-fine efficiency is directly incorporated into the model. Classification is demonstrated on partially- and fully-annotated datasets of satellite and medical imagery.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Barron:EECS-2010-94, Author= {Barron, Jonathan and Malik, Jitendra}, Title= {Discovering Efficiency in Coarse-To-Fine Texture Classification}, Year= {2010}, Month= {Jun}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2010-94}, Abstract= {We introduce a model for joint texture classification and segmentation that learns not only *how* to classify accurately, but *when* to classify efficiently. This model, combined with a complementary efficient feature representation that we describe, allows us to move beyond naive sliding-window classification strategies into sub-linear coarse-to-fine classification of an entire image. Recognition is formulated as a scale-space traversal through the image in which we can ``stop short'' at coarse scales, dramatically increasing both the speed and the accuracy of classification. Unlike other models, ours is constructed such that the classification produced when stopping-short is exact (that is, equivalent to the classification produced when not stopping-short), because coarse-to-fine efficiency is directly incorporated into the model. Classification is demonstrated on partially- and fully-annotated datasets of satellite and medical imagery.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Barron, Jonathan %A Malik, Jitendra %T Discovering Efficiency in Coarse-To-Fine Texture Classification %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2010 %8 June 12 %@ UCB/EECS-2010-94 %U %F Barron:EECS-2010-94