Confluence Analysis for Distributed Programs: A Model-Theoretic Approach
William Marczak and Peter Alvaro and Neil Conway and Joseph M. Hellerstein and David Maier
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2012-171
June 29, 2012
Abstract. Building on recent interest in distributed logic programming, we take a model-theoretic approach to analyzing confluence of asynchronous distributed programs. We begin with a model-theoretic semantics for Dedalus and introduce the ultimate model, which captures non-deterministic eventual outcomes of distributed programs. After showing the question of confluence undecidable for Dedalus, we identify restricted sub-languages that guarantee confluence while providing adequate expressivity. We observe that the semipositive restriction Dedalus+ guarantees confluence while capturing PTIME, but show that its restriction of negation makes certain simple and practical programs difficult to write. To remedy this, we introduce DedalusS, a restriction of Dedalus that allows a kind of stratified negation, but retains the confluence of Dedalus+ and similarly captures PTIME.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Marczak:EECS-2012-171, Author= {Marczak, William and Alvaro, Peter and Conway, Neil and Hellerstein, Joseph M. and Maier, David}, Title= {Confluence Analysis for Distributed Programs: A Model-Theoretic Approach}, Year= {2012}, Month= {Jun}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2012-171}, Abstract= {Abstract. Building on recent interest in distributed logic programming, we take a model-theoretic approach to analyzing confluence of asynchronous distributed programs. We begin with a model-theoretic semantics for Dedalus and introduce the ultimate model, which captures non-deterministic eventual outcomes of distributed programs. After showing the question of confluence undecidable for Dedalus, we identify restricted sub-languages that guarantee confluence while providing adequate expressivity. We observe that the semipositive restriction Dedalus+ guarantees confluence while capturing PTIME, but show that its restriction of negation makes certain simple and practical programs difficult to write. To remedy this, we introduce DedalusS, a restriction of Dedalus that allows a kind of stratified negation, but retains the confluence of Dedalus+ and similarly captures PTIME.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Marczak, William %A Alvaro, Peter %A Conway, Neil %A Hellerstein, Joseph M. %A Maier, David %T Confluence Analysis for Distributed Programs: A Model-Theoretic Approach %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2012 %8 June 29 %@ UCB/EECS-2012-171 %U %F Marczak:EECS-2012-171