Matrix multiplication on multidimensional torus networks
Edgar Solomonik and James Demmel
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2012-28
February 22, 2012
Blocked matrix multiplication algorithms such as Cannon’s algorithm and SUMMA have a 2-dimensional communication structure. We introduce a generalized ’Split-Dimensional’ version of Cannon’s algorithm (SD-Cannon) with higher-dimensional and bidirectional communication structure. This algorithm is useful for higher-dimensional torus interconnects that can achieve more injection bandwidth than single-link bandwidth. On a bidirectional torus network of dimension d, SD-Cannon can lower the algorithmic bandwidth cost by a factor of up to d. With rectangular collectives, SUMMA also achieves the lower bandwidth cost but has a higher latency cost. We use Charm++ virtualization to efficiently map SD-Cannon on unbalanced and odd-dimensional torus network partitions. Our performance study on Blue Gene/P demonstrates that an MPI version of SD-Cannon can exploit multiple communication links and improve performance.
BibTeX citation:
@techreport{Solomonik:EECS-2012-28, Author= {Solomonik, Edgar and Demmel, James}, Title= {Matrix multiplication on multidimensional torus networks}, Year= {2012}, Month= {Feb}, Url= {}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2012-28}, Abstract= {Blocked matrix multiplication algorithms such as Cannon’s algorithm and SUMMA have a 2-dimensional communication structure. We introduce a generalized ’Split-Dimensional’ version of Cannon’s algorithm (SD-Cannon) with higher-dimensional and bidirectional communication structure. This algorithm is useful for higher-dimensional torus interconnects that can achieve more injection bandwidth than single-link bandwidth. On a bidirectional torus network of dimension d, SD-Cannon can lower the algorithmic bandwidth cost by a factor of up to d. With rectangular collectives, SUMMA also achieves the lower bandwidth cost but has a higher latency cost. We use Charm++ virtualization to efficiently map SD-Cannon on unbalanced and odd-dimensional torus network partitions. Our performance study on Blue Gene/P demonstrates that an MPI version of SD-Cannon can exploit multiple communication links and improve performance.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Report %A Solomonik, Edgar %A Demmel, James %T Matrix multiplication on multidimensional torus networks %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2012 %8 February 22 %@ UCB/EECS-2012-28 %U %F Solomonik:EECS-2012-28