A Constraint-Aware Motion Planning Algorithm for Robotic Folding of Clothes
Apoorva Sachdev
EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley
Technical Report No. UCB/EECS-2012-92
May 11, 2012
Robotic manipulation of 2D deformable objects is a difficult problem largely because such objects typically have infinite-dimensional configuration spaces and are too computationally expensive to simulate in the inner-loop of a motion planner.The problem we address is as follows: Given a robot model, the shape of a piece of cloth in a spread-out configuration on a horizontal table, and a final folded configuration specified by a sequence of g-folds, output a sequence of robot motions that achieve the final folded configuration or report that none exists, taking into account the kinematics constraints. We make this optimal on execution time.
Advisors: John F. Canny and Pieter Abbeel
BibTeX citation:
@mastersthesis{Sachdev:EECS-2012-92, Author= {Sachdev, Apoorva}, Title= {A Constraint-Aware Motion Planning Algorithm for Robotic Folding of Clothes}, School= {EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley}, Year= {2012}, Month= {May}, Url= {http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2012/EECS-2012-92.html}, Number= {UCB/EECS-2012-92}, Abstract= {Robotic manipulation of 2D deformable objects is a difficult problem largely because such objects typically have infinite-dimensional configuration spaces and are too computationally expensive to simulate in the inner-loop of a motion planner.The problem we address is as follows: Given a robot model, the shape of a piece of cloth in a spread-out configuration on a horizontal table, and a final folded configuration specified by a sequence of g-folds, output a sequence of robot motions that achieve the final folded configuration or report that none exists, taking into account the kinematics constraints. We make this optimal on execution time.}, }
EndNote citation:
%0 Thesis %A Sachdev, Apoorva %T A Constraint-Aware Motion Planning Algorithm for Robotic Folding of Clothes %I EECS Department, University of California, Berkeley %D 2012 %8 May 11 %@ UCB/EECS-2012-92 %U http://www2.eecs.berkeley.edu/Pubs/TechRpts/2012/EECS-2012-92.html %F Sachdev:EECS-2012-92